THE ALGEMEINER – Britain’s Prince Charles turned some heads at the funeral of the late Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem on Friday with a personalized kippah bearing his official crest.
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About eighteen months ago one of the Jewish newspapers announced that Charles would be converting to Judaism “in the next three years.” and that his wife was taking lessons in Jewish cooking in London.
That family is Jewish anyway. According to the interesting lecture by Webster Tarpley called
The Venetian Conspiracy they are descended from the Jewish bankers called the Black Guelph.
“It’s nice that Prince Charles is flying in for Peres’ funeral. But it also continues the Royal Family’s policy of only visiting dead Israelis.”
He may believe that ‘the only good Israeli is a …..’
I can’t imagine a more worthless group of cretins than Britain’s royal family.
Good riddance!
All those shills and cohorts in crime of the Judaic Criminals are the most abominable creatures on earth.