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THE GUARDIAN – David Miliband has called on the European Union to bring half a million refugees to Europe over the next five years, which would mean providing homes for almost 10% of the world’s most vulnerable refugees each year. CONTINUE READING

6 thoughts on “UK – David Miliband Calls For EU To Increase Intake Of Refugees”
  1. accept one refugee from the sea
    dump one jew into the sea
    balance always balance

  2. It truly does work out to be judea, inc as the head of the parasitic satanic beast. Every Damn Time! I’m a gettin wunna dem preeemanitions lately. Change is a comin real soon. Real soon.

  3. Why don’t the Jews just stop hijacking our western governments, because it is they themselves who constantly make the decision to bomb the nations from which refugees are being brought?
    We Gentiles actually have no need or compulsion to bomb those nations at all, yet our infiltrated Jewish political leaders and their shabbos goyim constantly lust for more war against any nation that they alone wish subjugated, and through repeated false flag attacks they artificially seek to create some excuse to falsely justify attacks on other nations, solely in the interests of moving towards Jewish one world dictatorship under Noahide Law in every nation.
    The Jews themselves are thus artificially creating these ‘refugees’ in the first place, in order to create a biological weapon that can then be used to inflict the Coudenhove Kalergi Program on us all to breed out the white race, that the Jews have openly stated to be their greatest enemy.
    If we are ‘all one’ already as the Marxists say, then why should we non-Jewish races need to be bred together in some insane laboratory experiment?
    We never see the Jews enforcing race-mixing as national policy in Israel, but we saw ex-French PM Jew Sarkozi say that the French state would have to take even more measures if needed to ensure that the different races actually bred together in France, saying that that was not a matter of choice, but something that all French people must do.
    Karl Marx; “The chief mission of all OTHER races and peoples, great and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust”.
    That is the real Judaic purpose for all other races, but first, those other races all have to be dumbed down to become more malleable so as to be more easily led to enslavement and then slaughter.
    The most racially intermixed nation in the world, America, is the most warlike, and has the most dysfunctional and least ‘integrated’ with a society that is in a constant state of almost total collapse, and America has about the highest proportion of its citizens locked up in prison.
    Racial interbreeding does not and cannot work, it is not supposed to, it is actually malevolently intended by the Jews to destroy society, just as it has done already in America. That just makes things easier for the Jews to manipulate things towards NWO Jewish world government under the most horrific of Jewish-controlled military dictatorships.

  4. @ stlonginus That is right, break the Jewish-owned usurious fractional reserve banking system, and all the black-ops funding for NATO and ISIS terrorism and the Israeli war machine dries up.
    A National Socialist type economic system in a federation of independent nations is the only way.

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