For those not familiar with Theresa May, she is the one pushing for the right of paedophiles and rapists to adopt children (or, should we say, to buy children). What exactly these paedophiles and rapists intend to do with these children does not seem to concern her. And the rights of Children to Happiness does not seem to concern her either.


The government has committed to provide £13.4 million for security measures in the Jewish community in the coming year, Theresa May has announced.

The Home Secretary said the money would go towards security guards and further protection steps at independent and state Jewish schools, nurseries, synagogues and community sites.

Mrs May revealed the plan at the Community Security Trust’s annual dinner in central London on Wednesday evening. The charity will be responsible for managing the money.

The figure is an increase of around £2m on the amount unveiled last year by David Cameron — which itself represented £3m of additional funding.

CST chief executive David Delew said the financial commitment was “deeply appreciated”.

“We wish that it were not necessary, but the current situation dictates otherwise,” he said.

Speaking at the CST dinner for the first time in three years, Mrs May told the 1,000 guests that countering extremism was “the challenge of a generation”.

She said: “No one wants the school where they send their child to need security guards, or have their place of worship be fitted with security alarms and blast-resistant glass.

“But until that changes, the government is clear — we will stand by the Jewish community.”

She said extremism was the biggest challenge facing the country, but reassured CST donors: “There is a lot that government can do and we are doing.”

Mrs May praised CST’s efforts, saying it was “leading the way in showing how a community can safeguard itself.

“If we are to defeat extremism, we must all work together. We must expose the extremists’ lies, and we must not give them an inch in causing tension and division.”

The dinner was attended by dozens of MPs and senior police officers including Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and the leaders of Greater Manchester Police and British Transport Police.
Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson and leading London mayor candidates Sadiq Khan and Zac Goldsmith were also present.

CST chairman Gerald Ronson thanked Mrs May for her work to combat antisemitism, but warned British Jews against being complacent.

He said that after last year’s terror attacks in Paris and Copenhagen, “our community was more scared than I can ever remember. But the threat has not changed. If anything, it is getting worse”.

Addressing Mrs May directly, Mr Ronson said: “You give us moral support, opposing antisemitism in its own right, but also correctly placing it within the wider attack upon British and western values. And you back it up with a financial commitment to be spent on securing communities across the UK which is very much appreciated.”

CST’s budget had increased by around £1m this year to £7.4m, Mr Ronson said, because of the increased threat the community faced.

He praised “allies” from across the religious and political spectrum but added: “Some of us have gone from street-fighting, to sitting here in this beautiful room. It’s very easy to think that everything is wonderful, but the problems have come a very long way also.

“I wanted antisemitism to die in my lifetime, but it didn’t. It’s all still there, for us, for our children and our grandchildren.

“They used to say that Jews are rich, that we run the banks, the media and the politicians, that we cause wars and spread hatred. Now, they say it about Zionists instead. Some clever people call this the new antisemitism.
To me it’s just the old Jew-hatred in modern packaging.”

Mr Ronson said rising antisemitism was an indication of a bigger problem within Britain and that Jews “are the canary in the coal-mine. But this is one canary that has no intention of ending up dead in its cage”.

7 thoughts on “UK – Home Secretary Theresa May pledges £13.4m for jewish community security”
  1. Helen Reece a reader in law at the London School of Economics actually suggested for pedophiles and rapists to adopt children.
    But is good to here the name Gerald Ronson mentioned of “Guinness Four” – share trading fraud fame.
    The Jewish Chronicle forgot to mention he was convicted in August 1990 of conspiracy, two of false accounting, and one of theft, was fined £5 million and given a one-year jail sentence, of which he served only six months ……… but that’s a good old Jewish tradition.

  2. “If we are to defeat extremism, we must all work together. We must expose the extremists’ lies,”
    The Jewish Home Secretary Ms Theresa May should really tell us all what these ‘lies’ about the Jews are, then we can thoroughly expose her lies in public. But she has not got the guts, because she knows she is full of crap.

  3. Judaism is dying and the Torah made a fool of as it has been completely debunked and soon it may well be publicly dumped into a garbage bin. Jews don’t need protecting from anyone but from the vile teachings of the Torah/Talmud and themselves.

  4. @ David Menaheim:
    Yes, humanity should start to reawaken in the Jews and they should start to have some inkling that something isn’t quite right with their belief system. For one, unless they have a universal community of militarized space Jews to ally with against all odds, how the heck are they going to succeed in subjugating all other souls in the entire cosmos, and sending them all to hell under the Angel Duma, as is demanded by the Zohar commentary on the Torah to be inflicted on all the Gentiles on this planet when the Jewish messiah comes?
    Something is lacking upstairs in the communal Jewish mind I think, and Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecker, who for many years served as Richard M. Nixon’s psychotherapist, stated that he believed an epidemic of mental illness in the form of schizophrenia raced right across America in direct proportion to the increasing influx of Jews, many of whom carry a virus, which is uniquely present in the spinal fluid of over half of all people diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    Interestingly, it is an illness that is treatable with antibiotics, and all Jews and people that they have had sex with should be made to have a full screening for this, after all, the cytomegalovirus that they carry infects others through sex, and the Jews love indiscriminate sex.
    Hutschnecker was sure that the sexual urge of the Jews was a form of disinhibition caused by the disease itself, and I feel that this represents another case of a parasite group consciousness taking over the host to spread itself, as occurs with other species, and syphilis does a similar thing, also producing megalomania, grandiose ideation, sexual disinhibition, brain damage and so on, so this parasite needs to be stopped, as it has spread to all other racial groups now from the Jews.
    A typical example of Jewish thinking is this; that former Israeli premier President Katsav stated when he was arrested for rape in Israel that if he were to be convicted of that sexual crime, he would make sure that he would have vengeance by ensuring that world war would break out as a direct consequence, see, for the mental Jew, ‘It is all about MEEEE, and no one else matters’, but they manage in general to hold it down enough a a fairly close knit mafia group to irrationally project accusations of insanity onto others so the Jews themselveswill not end up killing each other in their madness, except for such incidents as the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre of course, when rival Jewish gangsters really lost the plot and gunned each other down.
    Here is what Dr. Hutschnecker stated about Jews and the Cytomegalovirus;
    What will the Jews do when all the aliens come to this planet, as they surely will openly at some time? The Jews will have a hard job convincing them that they are all soulless demonic goyim created only to be enslaved by the Jews. People like the Jews will cause great trouble for the other peoples on this planet, surely giving peoples from other planets the view that everyone on this planet must be criminally insane, and that we must all be quarantined, and after all, people in general do seem to let the mental Jews have their way in all things, Samson Option, etc.
    Any Jews with half a wit left in their head should drop that load of crap called Judaism in the blink of an eye, and get over the bad trip they have been on, that they have been inflicting on others for millennia, and just take up a truly productive spiritual path, and there are a number of non-Abrahamic different options that they can consider.
    The thing is though, that Jews are master actors, and can act as ‘ordinary’ human beings with an ‘ordinary’ religion (of course, they have to establish their own complete insanity as a new form of normality in the minds of the Gentiles to do this, and they do succeed in pulling that illusion off it seems, judging by Jewish dominance in the political, religious, legal, medical, educational, media and financial fields mostly.
    I personally believe that ALL Jews cunningly PRETEND to be religious, spiritual ‘Jews’, and use that appearance only as a strategy to get what they want, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and that they survive and indeed instigate their scam by convincing everyone that there is such a thing as the Jewish faith. I think they are a criminal mafia, not only in material terms but on the psychic planes, and that they are in fact the most cruel and Godless cynics, despite their professed religion and spiritual posturing. They should be requested to volunteer to quit their nasty act, and failing that, they should be deported and MADE to drop that nasty act under strict conditions of quarantine, such is the vileness of their actual criminality, hatred and genocidal violence against all other peoples, obscene selfishness and parasitism.
    Before any Jews reading this protest, I suggest they reflect on the fact that Jews alone invented the radioactive atom bomb, nuclear bomb and neutron bombs, no other people had that inclination, or actually went ahead and patented such insane devices and then created the insane nuclear arms race by building the damned things, and mad Jewish ‘scientist’ Leo Szilard even invented the cobalt nuclear bomb variant in 1950, and claimed that just 400 of these dirty weapons would create enough fallout to kill all life on this entire planet. The Jewish psychosis is fully revealed even in that.
    The peoples of the world must wake up and unite to DEMAND that the insane genocidal Jewish crime cult be proscribed worldwide under international law.

  5. I neither know nor care whether my friends or neighbours are Jewish. Why should I. They are humans same as anyone else. But when they accuse me of antisemitism for criticising the far right fascist violent colonialist apartheid state of Israel and illustrate their own prejudices by claiming that anti Zionism equates anti Semitism well I have only one thing to say F*** you.

  6. Right the banks , media , dual citizen polititions , Aipac , not a Jew in sight . No Jew NATO , EU heads either . Gee this implant is not so bad but it itches when I read the news

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