Jeremy Corbyn at a Stop The War demonstration in 2012.

TIMES OF ISRAEL – Jeremy Corbyn has condemned “inhumane” actions of Israel following violence at the border with Gaza, as he called to “review the sale of arms” to the Jewish state. The Labour leader said the Israeli response, which has claimed the lives of at least nine Palestinians and wounded scores more, was an “outrage”.

Israeli troops opened fire from across the border, killing at least nine Palestinians – including a journalist – and wounding 491 others on Friday in the second mass protest in eight days.

In a message read out at a demonstration outside Downing Street, Mr Corbyn said: “The killing and wounding of yet more unarmed Palestinian protesters yesterday by Israeli forces in Gaza is an outrage.

“The majority of the people of the Gaza Strip are stateless refugees, subject to a decade-long blockade and the denial of basic human and political rights.

“More than two thirds are reliant on humanitarian assistance, with limited access to the most basic amenities, such as water and electricity.

“They have a right to protest against their appalling conditions and the continuing blockade and occupation of Palestinian land, and in support of their right to return to their homes and their right to self-determination.

“Firing live ammunition into crowds of unarmed civilians is illegal and inhumane and cannot be tolerated.

“We stand in solidarity with the Israelis who have taken to the streets this last week to protest their government’s actions.

“The silence from international powers with the responsibility of bringing a just settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict must end.

“The UK Government must support the UN secretary-general’s call for an independent international inquiry into the killing of protesters in Gaza and review the sale of arms that could be used in violation of international law.

“The events in Gaza and the threat of renewed conflict underlines the urgent necessity of genuine negotiations to achieve a viable two-state settlement that delivers peace, justice and security to both Palestinians and Israelis.”

2 thoughts on “UK – Jeremy Corbyn calls to ‘review sale of arms’ to Israel over Gaza border violence”
  1. More Hot Air that will get absorbed by the cold…..The Rothschild-created Israel can murder with impunity; that’s a fact established over 70 years of crimes against Humanity. ANY other country would’ve faced a NATO invasion, not to mention back-breaking sanctions. Instead, Israel is constantly rewarded.
    Britain is the first nation taken over by the Rothschilds. Today the Rothschilds are the true “Deep State” leaders of the entire west. How else could everything be so coordinated & orchestrated against Russia amongst “Allies” who have different dogs in the race? Pressure & sanctions have only damaged Euro economies, while Russia has simply shifted its trade elsewhere.
    Yes there IS a higher being; it’s called Rothschild!

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