
Ed-note (Sabba) –  The UKIP, led by Nigel Farage and financed by some heavy banks in the City of London, the UKIP is always labelled as a ‘right wing/far right’ nationalist party – I always wondered why.

Many ‘white identity/white nationalists’ in the UK look up to the UKIP and Nigel Farage as their savior, as the man/the party who will save the white race in Britain and perhaps even bring back the golden age of the British Empire. This news is not a bombshell but has the merit to make public who is really behind this ‘nationalist’ party.

So, white nationalists out there, what say you?


THE JEWISH CHRONICLE – A former Conservative councillor has said he wants to be Ukip’s candidate in next year’s London mayoral election.

Shneur Odze will run to be the party’s candidate for City Hall, and to be a London Assembly member when voters go to the polls in May 2016.

He stood for Ukip in last year’s European elections and was the only strictly Orthodox candidate in Nigel Farage’s party.

Mr Odze was previously a Tory councillor in Hackney, north London. Now based in north-west London, he said the campaign to be mayor had “only just started.

“Everyone has applied and there is a long-list. At the party conference there will be a shortlist and people will be named.”

He said he would be campaigning for improved public transport and infrastructure.

“Why has London not yet got driverless tube trains? Our roads are gridlocked. It’s about making London great for the 21st century,” Mr Odze explained.

But is the capital ready for a strictly Orthodox Jewish leader? According to Mr Odze, Londoners will vote for the person most capable to do the job, regardless of their background.

“I think London is ready for the most competent and talented person who puts themselves forward,” he said.

“You can make a case for or against anybody. It’s about their policies and abilities to lead a great city.”

The Lubavitcher was elected to Hackney Council more than a decade ago at the age of 21. In 2004 he was suspended from the council after raising concerns about postal voting abuses and later moved to Manchester.

After several election defeats he became disillusioned with the Tories and drifted away from politics before returning as a Ukip candidate.

0 thoughts on “UK: Lubavitcher Shneur Odze wants to be UKIP’s London mayor candidate”
  1. “I think London is ready for the most competent and talented person who puts themselves forward,” he said.
    He’s absolutely right ……… so vote GEORGE GALLOWAY!
    I am not a white or a nationalist but……..
    This Nigel Farage chappy is just a waste of space, i remember Sean Hannity comparing him to Winston Churchill (not sure if that was a insult or not) when he was on Fox hating on Muslims, he carps on about jobs for the British yet last year during the 2014 May elections his pamphlets were printed in Germany and were distributed by the very same foreigners he despises;
    and as much as i hate the Mail
    He’s just pro establishment and a liar like most politicians, the man could not even get elected promising to resign ………. which was the shortest resignation ever;
    I am afraid that most English white nationalists are just idiots to believe in him.
    However this man has done some thing that i approve of and that was this;
    Yes that is him – just search images “Farage plane crash”.

  2. Great post Mike ! Great Britain is the head of the International Jewish construct.
    A matrix headed by NM Rothschild’s.
    This began in the 1600 s when rich Jews harboring in Holland ,funded Puritan Oliver Cromwell’s war against Charles First.
    The Jews created the Left/ Right political system there .
    ” I care not who runs the government if I control its money”. Amshell Rothschild’s.
    ” The New Israel ” , the British Empire became known as is / was the most class stratified, Judized system known.
    Reactionary,racist ,exploitivec but ever so ‘ free and democratic ‘.
    Rothschild’s FOX run by Rothschilds front man Rupert Murdoch idolizes the cruel sociopath Churchill ,as he worked as their sgent his entire bloody career.
    The” Right /Tories in Britain ,along with the ,Nationalists are all on the kosher payroll.
    Idiot Hsnnity follows this script…Fsrsnge has the kosher seal of course. All to give the illusion of ” Liberty ”
    See,Churchill And The Jews- A Lifelong Friendship .Martin Gilbert .
    Churchills War,David Irving .Com.

  3. Jews have been controlling the UK since the time of Oliver Cromwell when they returned to England with the help of the Scots[ Robert the Bruce] and had Charles 1 Executed a he had opposed their domination. Jewish power and control spread vociferously through Germany and the infamous Rothschild Family who infiltrated British and European Aristocracy and ‘Royalty.
    The ENP [English National Party and British National Party [BNP] also infiltrated and now subtly controlled behind the scenes by Jews. UKIP is an extension of these two racist groups as well as the racist party started by Robert Kilroy Silk who all hide behind the banner of ‘nationalism’ which here means White Supremacism which indeed is all part and parcel of the KOSHER brigade.
    Tory, Lib Dem, New Labour, Commies- NO DIFFERENCE all controlled by Jews who like us all to believe we have democratic Choice, a democratic system and values when this is so far from the truth because like the rest of the West, the UK is under Rothschild domination and control, lock, stock and Barrel.
    Jews create divisions, create and incite religious and racial hatred
    Jews create Islamophobia, demonization of Islam, inciting dumb Europeans into believing Islam was taking over Western countries but as many of us know, it is JUDAISM that has unleashed its venom upon us all, poisoning our moral, religious and ethical values, and creating a mind set that People of Colour, Foreigners are evil and come to corrupt and take over. Never mind the real reasons – that he JEWS created and instigated, funded all the Colonial Wars that invaded, bombed, occupied Nations whose Populace were made refugees, suffering a Holocaust too horrific to contemplate let alone live through, witness or experience!!
    But UKIP and all these other sadistic Racists in France, Germany, Hungary, etc cannot see the Humanity in these Refugees and prefer to cover up their own country’s culpability, complicity and INHUMANITY to MAN. they do not appear to have learnt anything from WW1 and WW2 and other atrocities where Human Beings were forcibly turned into unwilling Refugees felling for dear life seeking refuge and safety for what was left of their families, out of the Holocaust Inferno created for the Jewish Empire

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