jew world order

Sabba – This is an Op-Ed written by Obama and published in the UK Telegraph. He gives many reasons why the UK should remain in the EU: Iran, climate change, the TTIP and… Sovereignty. Sovereignty is an idea of the past he claims. The future demands no more nation states, no more roots, no more feeling of identity and nationalism. Only ‘blocks’ divided in regions, which report to a non-elected nomadic, parasitic, jewish elite.

The ‘no border’ policy currently in place within the EU (Schengen) is meant to up-root European people from their ancestral lands. As Europeans, we all see the benefits of being able to go to any EU country and work there etc. But what it produces at the end is a generation of up-rooted people, with no loyalty, no sense of belonging, no sense of nationalism/patriotism. 

This project is not limited to Europe: the EU is only the most advanced prototype of these continental blocks they are creating as a footsteps towards their JWO.

In 2005, the North American Union was officially launched, between Canada, the USA and Mexico. Though it is not as advanced as the EU project, it is moving forward very fast.

This could explain why so many illegal immigrants from Mexico are allowed in the US, are allowed to work and, it appears, are even allowed to vote. It could very well be that they are not as illegal as one might think after all. This could also explain why a Ted-born in Canada-Cruz is also allowed to run for the US presidency, in total violation of the US constitution.  They are getting the Americans used to the idea and even putting them in front of it as a ‘fait accompli’. 


THE TELEGRAPH — In 1939 President Franklin D Roosevelt offered a toast to King George VI in the White House. “I am persuaded that the greatest single contribution our two countries have been enabled to make to civilisation, and to the welfare of peoples throughout the world,” he said, “is the example we have jointly set by our manner of conducting relations between our two nations.”

Nearly 80 years later, the United Kingdom remains a friend and ally to the United States like no other. Our special relationship was forged as we spilt blood together on the battlefield. It was fortified as we built and sustained the architecture for advancing stability and prosperity in Europe, and our democratic values around the globe. From the ashes of war, those who came before us had the foresight to create the international institutions and initiatives to sustain a prosperous peace: the United Nations and Nato; Bretton Woods, the Marshall Plan, and the European Union. Their efforts provided a foundation for democracy, open markets, and the rule of law, while underwriting more than seven decades of relative peace and prosperity in Europe. 

Today, we face tests to this order – terrorism and aggression; migration and economic headwinds – challenges that can only be met if the United States and the United Kingdom can rely on one another, on our special relationship, and on the partnerships that lead to progress.  CONTINUE READING


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