Jews in Ukraine acted in unison with American Jews to counter false claim the Crimean annexation was to protect minorities, says Yaakov Bleich
ed note–2 things worth noting here–
1. Whenever a Gentile of any variety comes forward with the evidence-backed assertion that Jews DO move in hive-fashion as an organized group, using their position, money, influence, etc, to see certain goals acheieved, they are accused of being anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, and yet this rabbi is openly admitting that indeed a concerted, organized campaign took place between Jews half a world away from each other in order to achieve a certain pre-determined global agenda.
2. In reading between the lines, what the Rabbi’s admission here reveals–as analyzed here on this website at the beginnig of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, is that Vladimir Putin’s various statements accusing the Ukrainians of being ‘Nazis’ was a shrewd chess move aimed at countering what the Russians KNEW was forthcoming–namely the worn out but highly effective charge that Putin was another Hitler and that his reasons for doing what he did were motivated by ‘anti-Semitism’. By Russia making the charge first, what Putin effectively did was to take the baseball bat out of the hands of international Jewry that was about to be used against him and instead used it against them.
Putin can attack ‘Nazis’,all he wants;all the while knowing that the International Jews are behind all of his troubles;and it will merit him, or Russia nothing. I digress in thinking it ‘shrewd’. If he idropped this lying theatric,ignited latent Nationalism all over the world on his his behalf,it would be much better for everyone. Some the Middle East,have been doing this “Anti NAZI”,see saw for decades and it has merited them ZERO ! The Jewish Moloch will not be appeased with “Anti- Nazi”rhetoric,or begging explanations,on how ‘tolerant’,one is. They go on their DEMANDS. Putins Russia i in their way,and Iran. Their campaign will continue. Jews WANT UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER!
It was a good move by Mr Putin. A very good move. A move by someone who understands his countries current situation, and his responsibilities, and the history and heart and minds of his people, and the means and direction he must carefully move. Some just do not fathom the strength and the correctness of Putin’s move. I am sure Mr Putin did consider this. I am sure he also realized that the objectors are a marginal and insignificant opponent in the greater game in a long term goal.
Your move dumbass.
Some I know would call you Magnoon.