The resolution, submitted by Egypt, would insist that decisions on Jerusalem’s status have no legal effect. Diplomats say the U.S. will veto it
ed note–again, the UN is NOT a friend to the Palestinians nor to any of the peoples in the Middle East. The UN was the vehicle by which Palestinian lands were stolen and given to the Jews in the first place, the vehicle by which Iraq was destroyed–first under George H. W. Bush in the early 1990’s and then by his idiot son following 9/11. The UN was the vehicle by which Libya was destroyed and left a seething cauldron of misery for millions of people. Even if the Palestinians managed to get some resolution introduced, it would be vetoed by the US and even if it were not, what practical good would come of it? Nothing.
As a result of Trump’s declaration, the Islamic world, with all of its 2 billion voices, is roused, riled, and ready for business in a way that has never existed before, and what’s more is that these 2 billion voices are assisted with Iranian brains and Russian military power. If the fate of Palestine is left in the hands of the UN, then what the world will see is just a continued repeat of the same policies that have brought these beleaguered people to where they are now until finally there is nothing left of their inheritance upon which to re-build. The people of Palestine, and indeed all those living in close proximity to this toxic lump of radioactive waste known as the Jewish state, need to turn their gaze eastward towards a sun that is rising rather than westward towards one that is setting.
My husband who is Palestinian American and whose family all hails from Gaza agrees with you. He says he is glad Trump did it for the same reasons you are. He says this is the long awaited lighting of the fire. But all I see is a situation where more helpless Palestinian people, mostly children, will be slaughtered. I see this situation as becoming one giant Syria. The Arab leaders are lazy, cowardly and corrupt. Comfortable sitting in their golden palaces and could care less about their people. If their people rise against them they will have their own armies slaughter them. And if their armies can’t then they will allow the fake “ISIS” come in and do the job.
There is no real “ISIS”. If there were we would see dead zionist Jews. We would see “israel” attacked like Syria is being attacked. “ISIS” is just an extension of zionist controlled American and “israeli” military offense war monger agents and solders.
Again, I do not share in my husband’s optimism about President orange ape tweety bird’s declaration on Jerusalem. I am in great dread of it. And I am highly offended by it as every Muslim and every Christian person should be.
BTW… to all the lovely kindred spirits who gather in this great web site…. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays and may there one day be true peace on earth and good will toward all human kind.
Ladybat and her family.
ed note–our best Christmas wishes to the ‘Bat’ family as well, Lady.