Despite prudish mores and bans on public displays of affection, salacious clips abound on websites in Muslim countries. And there’s a rising demand for porn actors who come from those societies.
ed note–herein lies one of the major distinctions between the organized Jewish interests presently in control of the Obama admin and those presently in control of Israel.
Netanyahu & co want to see the countries in the Middle East consumed in a dramatic mushroom cloud that will one day be written into the Judaic religious texts as yet another Yahweh-engineered mass murder of Gentiles like Passover and Purim. Those in control of the Obama Admin want to see the region, its religion and culture die a slow, seemingly imperceptible death by the Depleted Uranium known as Hollywood.
This is the reason for the ‘deal’ with Iran, as a means of opening the floodgates of corrupt, corrosive Jewish culture dispensed from Hollywood so as to turn Iran into a base of operations for dispensing this poison to the rest of the region.
“This is the reason for the ‘deal’ with Iran, as a means of opening the floodgates of corrupt, corrosive Jewish culture dispensed from Hollywood so as to turn Iran into a base of operations for dispensing this poison to the rest of the region.”
Obama’s Iran deal has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program.
It is about flooding Iran with Hollywood trash and LGBT politics.
It is about reducing average Iranians to Bangladesh-style sweatshop workers.
It is about more taxes and penalties for the poor, and fewer for the rich. That is, Iran must be made into a police state against the masses, while political bribery, financial fraud, and environmental destruction are decriminalized.
It is about enlisting Iran in the global “war on terror,” plus the “war on drugs,” and all the other “wars” that keep the 99% enslaved.
It is about shifting Iran’s economy from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism (Wall Street over Main Street)
It is about using gratuitous austerity and “free trade” deals to increase the gap between the rich and the rest around the world.
It is about privatizing Iran’s central bank, plus Iran’s utilities, roads, and public services (prisons, police, fire departments, etc.)
It is about ending free education and health care around the world.
It is about mass Jew-worship and mass holo-hoax programming around the world.
It is about replacing all spiritual values with financial greed around the world.
It is about reducing humans to disposal drones and debt-slaves around the world.
It is about making Iran a pure plutocracy ruled by oligarchs.
It is about tearing Iran away from Hezbollah, plus the Russian and Syrian governments.
In short, it is about making Iran part of the “international community.”
So why are the Jews and their puppet Congressmen whining?
Answer: they want everything above, but they have also based their political careers on the mythical “Iran threat.” In order to get everything above, they must change their rhetoric. This annoys them.
However they will get with the program. There are billions in profits at stake. And Israel wants to break up the alliance between Iran, Russia, Syria, and Hezbollah.
So do the Saudis and the Gulf Oil pigs.
Pornography is just another (albeit powerful) tool used by the Great Enemy to enslave & destroy the soul and society. Notice how the spiritual Sodom wants to transform the world into its image.
The porn industry profits all over the world for some reasons. The most important is the sexual repression of the people, which turns them very curious about sex. Then, they “learn” sex from the worst “teacher”: the porn films, which turns sex into an automatic and standardized exercise, instead of the most powerful and beautiful practice between human beings. The religions never admitted that the sex is a necessity for us, humans, and that it can help us to be better people, calm, not engaged in violence — you know, the energy one don’t spend in sex will get out of any other form, and the most typical is violence. A society free of prejudices and in which people respect each other, including in relation to sex, will be, surely, healthier than ours. Now in relation to LGBT: they are human beings like us and deserve our respect. The animal kingdom is full of love between individuals of the same sex. The problem of the world is the lack of love, not sex nor LGBT. It’s a biological question, not a Jewish one.
Oh, I forgot! In response to the first commentary, I’d like to say that Iran is not a country of fools. On the contrary, it’s a country of very intelligent and good people. To think that they will permit the US interference in their daily life and ancient culture is to be very ingenuous and not knowing nor respecting the strong and beautiful history of Iran.
Dream on, little one. When millions of dollars in loans and cash flow into a place, any place, it changes government, economics, culture, lifestyles, demographics, even the religion. This is unavoidable.
Once a nation’s politicians make a pact with the devil, and they are allowed to take even the smallest steps toward neo-liberalism, they quickly reduce the nation to a wretched plutocracy, ruled by oligarchs, and populated by toiling midgets and crippled debt slaves. It is always the same.
Every time this is about to happen, you think, “This time it will be different.” But it isn’t different.
Afterward you go silent, too arrogant to apologize for your naiveté, until the imperialists choose their next target. Once again you think, “This time it will be different. The people will resist.” But they don’t. And the cycle repeats. And you never learn.
With Iran, sanctions alone did not work. The devil cannot gain devotees by threats alone. The devil must threaten his victims on one hand, and promise them rewards on the other. “All these kingdoms I shall give to you if you worship me.”
So now Iran’s oligarchs and politicians will be offered “all these kingdoms” if they bow to the money gods.
And bow they shall. The only thing standing in the way of the devil is the Revolutionary Guard.
If they can be bribed, then Iran will fall like a ripe apple. The Great Satan will welcome home its disciple, which had turned away from evil in 1979.
…i assume you (MG & K) mean tangential reasons for the Treaty with Iran? ~ speculation to be sure; However rich in the understanding of Tee Vee power… and the perpetual narcissistic specter of specter (movies) (it is and it isn’t the mediums fault)
I doubt that any of these reasons/items is being discussed in public or out loud, (Israhell can tell us if these reasons are spoken eh!) , and, Capitalism, is the vehicle by and between the lines that promulgates the pernicious ‘reasons’ for the treaty ~ ~ a backdoor for pornofying the ma$$e$ … is what i feel the unspoken speculation ‘reason’ to be for a signed treaty. No more Sanction$.
The two most powerful things in existence are the A-Bomb and Tee Vee. Today we live in a quasi or soft fascist state. The Gatekeepers/Gestapo occupy our living rooms (and that’s how we know we’re in occupied territory).
Not by design was the medium of Tee Vee and pseudo life acted out on celluloid for entertainment meant to control and pornofy the masses but caused by and for Capitalism to enrich the rich and cement their entitlement.
I’d like to think that Iran has more going for it than narcissistic capitalist adventures post treaty; after all is said and done with these treaty negotiations i hope that Iran continues to be a force for the good of mankind.
@Brazilian reader:
You seem incredibly naive about the way world works.
The problem is not “sexual repression”, quite the opposite. The elites want us to waste our energy pursuing sex, and other diversions, so that we will be completely unfit to fight them. For the same reason they are frantically pushing the homosexual agenda on society to subvert and decay it.
And yes, the pornography industry is controlled and promoted by Jews: they boast of the fact.
P.S. The hippy “peace and love” movement in the ’60s was designed by the Intelligence services so that people would identify the anti-war movement with long-haired, promiscuous junkies, and thus be opposed to it.