the jewish brain final 

Ed-note (Sabba) – The link below will take you to a ‘book’ or rather a summary of several books by French writer Hervé Ryssen. I have read many of his books which are all very well written, very well documented, very well argued. Sadly, I do not think they have been translated into English yet.

Luckily for the english speaking Goyim, the great Carlos Porter  has summed up and translated a few of his books into a quite harmonious whole which I can not recommend enough to all TUT readers, their friends and families.

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  1. Ryssen is the writer MCP was talking about when he referred to the concept of “accusatory inversion” on his May 14th, 2015 podcast.

  2. Thank you Sabba.
    I will be forwarding this to a few I know, and some I am related to.
    Wish I spoke French fluently.
    I would love to have these books in my collection.

  3. “The jews are not, therefore, a race.”. I agree.

    Under “Jewish Mission”, it is written about “shalom” and how it equates to “peace”. I agree and I had posted at times that the 2 Pillars of Boaz & Jachin represent the kingly (earthly) and the priestly (heavenly) and these two support columns hold up between them shalom (peace).

    It’s represented in quite a few Masonic emblems and artwork as well. One is the Royal Arch Masons.

    It is a universal peace that they are after. The problem is that it is a peace on their terms and theirs alone. They are and have been fashioning and molding the planetary societies and cultures in this direction. There is a method to their madness and they do believe that the end does justify their past, current, and future means. And they will not lose much sleep in offering up some of their own to achieve the processes.

    It is magical thinking blended with paranoid schizophrenia and a malignant type of narcissism. They really do not have any ounce of evidence along the lines of hard facts to support their foundational views but simply use ‘anti semitism’ as proofs wherever they can inject it into an equation of being persecuted. Again..they have no proof whatsoever in their root dialogues or projected belief system. It is anti semitism that they crave and use IT as proof.

    There is no proof they are chosen. No proof that they possess a genetic lineage tracing back to an Adam & Eve. No proof of being enslaved by ‘evil Egyptians’. No proof of “NAZI death camps” or ovens. No proof that ‘pagan’ Babylon corrupted them but more likely they infected and corrupted Babylon. Etc.

    These are a grouping of people that have absolutely no proofs of anything that they claim.

  4. I just watched a movie titled, “The Detective”, starring Frank Sinatra, Jack Klugman,
    and Jacqueline Bisset, first aired in 1968.
    This one would definitely fall under chapter VII, Destruction of the
    Traditional Family.
    This movie hits all the marks in detail of this de-constructive chapter.
    I was honestly quite surprised at the perversion of this film of nearly
    50 years ago.
    You will need to watch until the end of this film to understand all the subversive
    references this good author makes in this translation of these books.
    This film brutalized and trivialized and made a commodity of every account this
    author made a point about in this one chapter.
    Of course, my channel gave it a 3 of 4 stars.
    Not a bad movie if you know what your getting.
    But few did then, and maybe now as well.

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