Hillary has gotten away with so many crimes just like Israel who has genicided the Palestinians for so many years with impunity.
Hillary is protected by the Rothschild’s Criminal Mafia, by the Zionists, by the Jews who control Washington. Hillary is not winning. The Jewish controlled news media portrait Hillary as going ahead of Trump which is a Physical impossibility. The Clinton rallies are staged and there is only a hanful of people in them while Trump fills stadiums.
Watch: “Hillary Clinton a Rothschild agent” on You Tube.
The so-called “liberal media” is even doing it’s best to get Trump elected. There are powerful movers and shakers behind the scenes in the media that are targeting Killary.
If the national corporate mainstream “Liberal” media were TRULY against Trump, this rape case would be all over the news;
Hillary has gotten away with so many crimes just like Israel who has genicided the Palestinians for so many years with impunity.
Hillary is protected by the Rothschild’s Criminal Mafia, by the Zionists, by the Jews who control Washington. Hillary is not winning. The Jewish controlled news media portrait Hillary as going ahead of Trump which is a Physical impossibility. The Clinton rallies are staged and there is only a hanful of people in them while Trump fills stadiums.
Watch: “Hillary Clinton a Rothschild agent” on You Tube.