jew hanging


Watchdog blogger Elder Of Ziyon, who has been monitoring antisemitism on the Facebook pages of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees, discovered new postings this week.

One of these, spotted and reprinted by “Elder” on Wednesday, was posted on August 6, 2014 by self-described UNRWA employee Hamza al-Khalili. It features a black-and-white head shot of Adolf Hitler, along with an erroneously attributed quotation: “If you tell somebody a secret, you’re giving an arrow he could shoot you with someday.”

The second, posted by a Mr. Mussallam Salem, is a macabre cartoon depiction of Palestinian unity. The image features a smiling Palestinian youth from Gaza in army fatigues holding a Kalashnikov rifle and raising the hand of a casually dressed Palestinian teenager from the West Bank holding a slingshot — a symbol of sorts for the Palestinian uprising against the mighty Israeli military. But, dangling between the two bright-eyed youths is a haggard ultra-Orthodox man hanging from a noose, with blood dripping from his hands and a white Star of David emblazoned on the breast pocket of his black coat. His angles are tied with a banner resembling the Israeli flag.

Salem writes in the caption next to the post, which was dated August 4 of this year, “Together for the Unity of [the] Homeland.”

However, by Thursday’s writing, Salem’s page and all related content had been removed from Facebook, and The Algemeiner could not independently verify the veracity of the report or the associated images.

From “Elder Of Ziyon,” whose identity remains a mystery to most: “The page was taken down. The ‘Whack a Mole’ game continues — I find stuff, they make it disappear without admitting anything is wrong.”

While UNRWA was created under U.N. mandate to help resolve the refugee crisis spawned by the establishment of Israel, and its mandate has been perennially extended (now until 2017), the organization has come under fire for failing to account for the antisemitism and sometimes violently pro-Palestinian agenda that has crept into its education programs, including textbooks, and activities throughout its areas of engagement.

UNRWA has developed more than 700 schools, which serve nearly half a million students, and boasts an educational staff of over 23,000.”


Sabba – but pictures such as these are kosher:



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