
Ed note (Trevor) At TUT’s new companion site, Jonathan Azaziah’s Mouqawamah Music, whose mission is to liberate the discourse, we have declared war on the gatekeeping establishment, and are under heavy fire for it. It is a fascinating study of the lay of the battlefield, and a lot is coming out in the wash, so please read. 

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0 thoughts on “Update: Miko Peled and his vile, deceitful smear campaign against Trevor LaBonte… Anti-Zionist Zionist gatekeepers face off against the real truth movement”
  1. Trevor, I am curious to know why you communicated with that Jew in the first place. Did you slip? Did you get seduced by a glimmer of “reason,” only to be attacked the instant you opened the door? Jews do that every time. Never, never, never communicate with a Jew, even so much as to ask, “What time is it?”

    Jews are not human. They are disease. And no matter how much they talk of “peace,” they despise you. Their hatred of you is mixed with a profound dread of you, and a deep anguish. That’s why Jews are always whining about “existential threats.” They are a deadly virus on two legs. Hideous and disgusting.

    You write, Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that the Holocaust myth and “9/11 was Muslims” myth are not relevant to the liberation of Palestine and the world. They are both crucial to “Israel’s” existence.

    Of course they are. You can’t justify Israel or the US Empire without lying about WW II, and you can’t maintain lies about WW II without the holo-hoax.

    Even if Jews had no other evil attributes, the holo-hoax alone is enough to warrant eternal condemnation of the Chosen.

    You write, No one suspects that the Jewish “progressive left” is the source of the problem, but it is.

    Yes. Jewish power comes not from the right, but from the left. Right-wing wackos are easily spotted, but “progressive” and “anti-war” Jews snare the gullible, and make them work to ensure Jewish supremacy. For example, at “anti-war” blogs, it is not only Jews, but everyone else who will delete you and ban you if you mention the word “Jew,” or if you question the holo-hoax. The parasite controls the brain of the host, while making the host imagine that the host is a “free thinker.”

    Incidentally, I reject any suggestion that Zionism is an “outgrowth” of Judaism. Zionism is Judaism. They are one and the same entity, dedicated to absolute supremacy over the Goyim.

    There can be no such thing as a “good Jew.” And since Jews project and invert all their evils, Jews say there is no such thing as a good Goy.

  2. how many Muslims have been taken by that Miko Peled or whatever ……..
    One sentence I like that the brethren say that rings true………
    the dogs will bark while the caravan moves on.

  3. Brilliant discourse Trev. If it helps in fleshing out a picture for otherwise befuddled gentiles as to how rodents such as Peled function, remember the old marxist dictum–2 steps forward, 1 step back. Organized Jewish interests allow people like Peled their 15 minutes of fame as a ‘defender of Palestinian rights’ because by doing so, he further clouds the reality of what Judaism truly is.

  4. Good question, Konrad. I guess I was confronting him in front of his followers. i did the same thing with Robert Martin and picked up 20 followers from him in a matter of minutes. Thousands see these people’s posts. It is fun to put them on the spot and watch them panic, I get a sadistic kind of pleasure out of torturing the anti-zionist zionist jews, they are the craziest of all jews.

  5. Anybody that uses the term “nazi” should be enough to raise red flags and lets you know who they really align themselves with.

    Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists have always been the object of Jew smear campaigns since 1933.

  6. Why does The Ugly Truth website provide links to the likes of Steve Quayle ? This individual is a true bible thumper that openly claims the “chosen ones ” is who you should be siding with, amongst other similar things. What’s up with this??

  7. Great going, Trevor. You are now terrorizing the wicked liars, so the truth in you is clearly stronger.

    You can expose a Jew in broad daylight, but he will PERSIST in claiming that the sunlight, the ozone layer, the “retina, cornea, optic nerves of ALL people” are all lying … and thus owe him a compensation.

  8. @ CHRIS I am a NAZI. A paleo-Nazi. A National Socialist. Racism is anathema to me, and to all a genuine Nazis.

    “Neo-Nazis” hate me more than they hate Blacks and Jews. I know this from experience. And the feeling is mutual.

    I tried to reason with them. I tried to show them the true path. But they would have none of it. I saw that “Neo-Nazis” are Jews hiding behind a swastika. They are mirror images.

    Yes I am a Nazi. And here is my attitude toward racism. A video I did three years ago…

  9. On the issue of Gatekeepers, Anit-Zionist-Zionists, and those who are not aligned with TUT’s view on the Judaic Pathology …

    … Here is a really shocking post from Lasha Darkmoon, whose stance may well be viewed as Zio-Christian!!! [Who would’ve thought?! Did Lasha get tamed/ converted [more than] subtly?]

    Both MG and Trevor would be interested in this, I’m sure: 🙂


    “The Old Testament: For and Against — A debate between Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Lasha Darkmoon (Part 1)”



    This 2-part article gives you the two sides of the Old Testament debate: for and against.

    In Part 1, Christopher John Bjerknes launches an all-out attack on the Old Testament and tell you why he thinks this is an evil and dangerous book. Bjerknes can be described as an unabashed and indeed virulent anti-Semite. He takes the line that the Jews themselves are an evil race, without any redeeming features, and that the Old Testament is one of the earliest manifestations of that intrinsic evil.

    In Part 2 of the article, Lasha Darkmoon attempts to counter these extreme views and puts in a good word for the Old Testament. She points out that Christianity rises out of the soil of Judaism and that any radical rejection and repudiation of the Old Testament leaves Christianity in ruins. The Bible, she also argues, is the holy book of 2.1 billion Christians: they cannot all be wrong to read the first half of the Bible, the Old Testament, with respect and appreciation.

    Readers are welcome to listen to both sides of the argument and make up their own minds.

    — Editor John Scott Montecristo

    ed note–Melody, just for the record, Lasha is by no means a Gatekeeper, Anit-Zionist-Zionist, or Zio-Christian. This is one area where we are in obvious disagreement but on all other matters she can be considered a devoted team player.

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