One thought on “URUGUAY – World's most humble president urges public to kick the wealthy out of politics”
  1. Gag me with a long spoon, as the teenagers say. Shades of the Pope: donate to the poor, rail against the rich, live modestly. But DON”T CHANGE ANYTHING. Get some IMF loans, go to Washington, DC to beg them to send “investors”; bite Cristina Kirchner’s ass, USrael likes that, and send some Uruguayan soldiers on “peace missions” where Uncle Sam wants them. OK, you don’t have many to send, maybe 12 or 20, but the submission gesture helps and justifies USrael’s claim of a “multinational” force.
    Don’t ever make a move to stop the encroaching cultural marxism that has made it uncooth and insensitive to call Easter Week La Semana Santa. This is a massively Catholic nation! Call it “Tourism Week”… his Jewish wife, who proudly kept her name– Topolansky– likes it better that way. How about separate toilets for the “trans” in theaters and schools? Time to liberate them from the humiliating choice of using either Men’s or Women’s bathrooms! How about changing school curricula to teach kids about “fluid gender identity”? Good one, we don’t want to go on being a third world nation, do we? We want to become ‘enlightened’.
    Mujica doesn’t wear a tie not as some form of protest but for the same reason he doesn’t bathe and meets foreign dignitaries in sandals that expose his long and dirty toenails: he is a dirty slob. Uruguayans used to cringe in shame that this “Mugriento” (filthy one”) represented them to the world. The erstwhile Tupamaro leader who supported Chavez (or pretended to) turned neo-liberal and adjusted his rhetoric: Oh, the poor, give them more charity.
    The stupid i the North (USrael for one) — and they are many– admired him for…. liberalizing cannabis consumption and cultivation “for personal needs.” Iupi! What a progressive man! And he has a three-legged dog: what a heart! He–and his Frente Amplio — created a lumpenproletariat that believes that a good state is a welfare state that pays you to NOT work and subsist on the monthly check plus what you can supplement by selling drugs and robbing. Drug-related crime has soared, so have crimes never heard of before here: home invasions and street muggings. This helps: the hard-squeezed middle class can blame the lumpen and not who created them.
    “Pepe” is out now — small comfort: the new government is taking on shades of neocons. From marxism to neoliberalism to neoconservatism– it’s a skill that the very special ones, the chosen ones have.
    This is my opinion of “Pepe”–shared by many Uruguayans I have talked to: a cleaning woman, a judge, a public defense att’y, a high-school teacher, a notary public, several retirees, countless taxi drivers and waiters. The article linked here is not an “unfiltered” opinion — it is an agenda.

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