__ Warren said. “Due to operational security we will not have any further details about the groups that received these supplies, their location, or the type of equipment in the airdrop.” ___
Type of equipment ?
Doesn’t sound like ammo to me.
Besides, 50 tons of small arms ammo would be millions of rounds, wouldn’t it, which they couldn’t possibly use much of in the closing window ahead, where time is of the essence, before they all get wiped out ?
No, the critical thing that is absolutely and methodically demolishing ISIL/ISIS, is the Russian airforce, for which ISIL/ISIS have no counter, as they have been dealing with Syrian ground forces – the occasional helicopter notwithstanding.
What if the 50 tons are ground to air missiles, intended against Russian fighter aircraft, which are unreachable by small arms fire ?
If they are that, then US specialists will accompany parcelled out lots from the main consignment in order to prepare the missiles for launching, and to then launch the missiles at overhead Russian aircraft.
__ Warren said. “Due to operational security we will not have any further details about the groups that received these supplies, their location, or the type of equipment in the airdrop.” ___
Type of equipment ?
Doesn’t sound like ammo to me.
Besides, 50 tons of small arms ammo would be millions of rounds, wouldn’t it, which they couldn’t possibly use much of in the closing window ahead, where time is of the essence, before they all get wiped out ?
No, the critical thing that is absolutely and methodically demolishing ISIL/ISIS, is the Russian airforce, for which ISIL/ISIS have no counter, as they have been dealing with Syrian ground forces – the occasional helicopter notwithstanding.
What if the 50 tons are ground to air missiles, intended against Russian fighter aircraft, which are unreachable by small arms fire ?
If they are that, then US specialists will accompany parcelled out lots from the main consignment in order to prepare the missiles for launching, and to then launch the missiles at overhead Russian aircraft.