US controls UN

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0 thoughts on “‘US has int’l organizations under its thumb’”
  1. Of course they under Uncle “Sammy”,s thumb! That was these organizations intent. Stupid “patriots”,think International organizations are some self operating,organic,independent systems….they are not,and are run by who funds them duh! That is who ? Their own “dear old USA”,and who owns that? The International Jewish Bankers/Jews/Israel.

  2. One of the first things the UN ever did under its charter to ‘promote peace’
    was to divide up lands of a non-offending country and hand it over to
    Non-indigenous strangers for ownership.

    The UN was round 2 of the jews original “League of Nations” scam.
    Despite the rhetoric, it was never meant to represent the real oppressed
    Nations and their citizens.
    It is an outline and framing for a world government.

    It only represents resources, and markets, and labor, and those that wish to
    control and exploit them all.

    Unilateral veto power?

    Listen to Allende at the UN in ’72, before we offed him.
    He got an ovation from the other ‘equally subjected countries’ at the UN.
    The only thing they understood well was that there were enormously strong and
    un-democratic powers
    “United” against them.

  3. The UN was found by Zionist aligned western ‘allies’ in 1942 with the explicit mission to hammer down the anti-usury anti-comintern treaty Axis powers, about ten or so nations. (Or any future such attempts against the jew- world-order). All the neutral countries eventually where arm twisted to join, or else. That the UN is a Zionist construct is also evident by their ‘inability’ to stop massacres in Palestine. Germany is STILL listed as an ‘enemy state’ in UN Charter capitel VIII, article 52.

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