All major US American Jewish organizations—under the aegis of the Anti-Defamation League, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, J Street, the National Council of Jewish Women, the New Israel Fund, the Rabbinical Assembly, and the Union for Reform Judaism—have jointly demanded that Israel stick to the United Nations’ plan to deport African invaders in Israel to white nations, rather than send them back to Africa. CONTINUE READING

3 thoughts on “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to European Countries”
  1. From what I have gleaned, Trudeau has hopped in vowing to take a wad of these folks from Israel. Three different groups this past week he offers haven to… but not the South African Boers. Nope. Not them.

  2. Prediction; when the slaughter of white people, our brothers and sisters, begins in earnest in SAfrica, as fervently desired by Julius Malema of the SFF party and quietly affirmed by the parliamentary majority in passing the expropriation laws just recently, those above worthies won’t be saying a single word in condemnation, nor will they ask the SAfrican govt to send them to Israel to increase its whiteness.

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