71 percent of Jewish respondents to Gallup poll say they disapprove of Trump, despite attempts to sway voters to back the GOP through support of groups like Jexodus
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but … but … what about moving embassy, ivanka kosher-kushner delicacies (i luv her hamantaschen recipe, making a silk purse out of haman’s ears), jared is the true president, no?
look, everyone is saying it, so why are jews dissatisfied with a chabad lubavitch president,what more do they want, chabad not good enough for them? good enough for me, in kabbala numerology, MAGA=4+1+7+1= …wait a minute, must take socks off for easier toe-counting, and the answer is 13! just 6 million shy of 666.
so even yahweh luvs trump, only the ever fussy jews have a problem and my kippa-wearing rottweiler.
i just don’t get it, these geopolitical intrigues are too much for me, going to practice my horseshoe pitch in the backyard, leave the field to the “trump-owned-by-jews” masters of the intellectual universe.