Times of Israel

The United States said Monday it was no longer seeking to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad but renewed warnings it would not fund reconstruction unless the regime is “fundamentally different.”

James Jeffrey, the US special representative in Syria, said that Assad needed to compromise as he had not yet won the brutal seven-year civil war, estimating that some 100,000 armed opposition fighters remained in Syria.

“We want to see a regime that is fundamentally different. It’s not regime change — we’re not trying to get rid of Assad,” Jeffrey said at the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank.

Estimating that Syria would need $300-400 billion to rebuild, Jeffrey warned that Western powers and international financial institutions would not commit funds without a change of course.

“There is a strong readiness on the part of Western nations not to ante up money for that disaster unless we have some kind of idea that the government is ready to compromise and thus not create yet another horror in the years ahead,” he said.

Former president Barack Obama had called for Assad to go, although he doubted the wisdom of a robust US intervention in the complex Syrian war and kept a narrow military goal of defeating the Islamic State extremist group.

US President Donald Trump’s administration has acknowledged, if rarely so explicitly, that Assad is likely to stay.

But Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned in October that the United States would not provide “one single dollar” for Syria’s reconstruction if Iran stays.

Jeffrey also called for the ouster of Iranian forces, whose presence is strongly opposed by Israel, although he said the United States accepted that Tehran would maintain some diplomatic role in the country.

Jeffrey also said that the United States wanted a Syria that does not wage chemical weapons attacks or torture its own citizens.

He acknowledged, however, that the United States may not find an ally anytime soon in Syria, saying: “It doesn’t have to be a regime that we Americans would embrace as, say, qualifying to join the European Union if the European Union would take Middle Eastern countries.”

4 thoughts on “US no longer seeks ouster of Assad, accepts Iran will have diplomatic role in Syria”
  1. What a hoppin’, heapin’ hill of horse shit! Syria isn’t looking for US money for “reconstruction”! Just get the Hell out! F**K the US! It was them who waged this criminal war to begin with, and we don’t want to hear more lies about it. Russia & China will get to rebuild, not the Insane US!

  2. ‘“We want to see a regime that is fundamentally different. It’s not regime change – we’re not trying to get rid of Assad,” [James Jeffrey, the US special representative in Syria] said at the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank.’
    No regime change as such? Just fundamentally different, eh? And what would that look like?
    ‘Jeffrey … said that the United States wanted a Syria that does not wage chemical weapons attacks or torture its own citizens.’
    Oh puleese, the old ‘chemical weapons’ canard. What has this silly old git been smokin’?
    Does Jaffers mean ‘chemical weapons’ like the ones Israhell routinely deploys on the defenseless denizens of the Gaza Strip?
    Or ‘chemical weapons’ like the ones Macron’s thugs are currently deploying on the streets of Paris?
    Nah, he can’t mean that, because … “It doesn’t have to be a regime that we Americans would embrace as, say, qualifying to join the European Union if the European Union would take Middle Eastern countries.”
    ‘… if the European Union would take Middle Eastern countries’. What on earth could Jaffers be talking about?
    I can only guess that the thing that really upsets the puppet masters of the barely competent Jeffers is that Syria, like Iran, does NOT have a Rotshite owned and controlled central bank … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Syria
    After all, the first act of the ‘rebels’ who stuck a butcher’s knife up Gadhafer’s ass, was to set up a central bank linked to the Rotshite ‘Bank of International Settlements’ in Luciferne, Switzerland. Such was the extent of their rebellion.

  3. “He acknowledged, however, that the United States may not find an ally anytime soon in Syria”
    Jeffrey you do have some allies in case you had forgotten …. they are called the Kurds and they occupy a good size chunk of N.E Syria ….. you know where the oil is so the US wont be leaving soon.
    Then you have Turkey about to attack the Kurds again and take some more of Syria they are not about to give back anytime soon with the green light from Russia like last year.

  4. Fund reconstruction in Syria? Ask Chuck Schumer. He’s got an extra 5 billion to play with.

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