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2 thoughts on “US refuses to receive PM Medvedev’s delegation to coordinate anti-terrorist actions in Syria”
  1. Of course not…the ” Eternal Jews” formula fully seen here.
    The West does not want victory of ” terrorists”, they want control over Syria /Middle East,and Russia thrown from the Levant.
    Assad gone,and a puppet regime installed…Syria a broken state.

    The Academic rules of International Relations, and state craft do not apply …never have in the world run by Talmudfic dualism, and deception.

    Saddam Quadaffi, Arafat, Nasser, Iran,Putin,all desire normal relations with the West…but as they did/do reject International Jewish agendas that is out.

    During WW 2 the Axis sought to the final moments cooperation with the West, against the forces of International Communism.

    This was rejected,as those sovereign states ,even in a shattered state ,had to be wiped out, for they had been liberated from the Jews agenda…no loss of life was to great ,and no hate to extreme to be leveled against them.

    Jews never change…the March of Yahweh for for planetary rule is relentless.
    ” Thou shall have no other Goods but Yahweh “.

  2. I am glad that a powerful block of nations that are still not controlled by the Zio-Judaic Mafia are emerging now against this Ruthless Monolithic Evil Empire as Kennedy called them. The law of the reason will prevail sooner or later.

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