In wake of fresh attacks, Washington may send ‘lethal assistance’ to Kiev, report says
Times of Israel
NATO’s military commander and Obama administration officials appear to be moving toward supporting sending defensive weapons to Kiev’s forces fighting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, The New York Times reported Sunday.
Though President Barack Obama has not yet decided whether to send “lethal assistance,” his administration is reviewing the issue after a surge in fighting between Kiev and Kremlin-backed rebels, the report said.
NATO’s military commander General Philip Breedlove now supports providing defensive weapons to Kiev’s forces, and Secretary of State John Kerry is open to fresh talks about sending lethal aid to Ukraine’s beleaguered troops.
The United States has accused Russia of conducting a proxy war in Ukraine, but has so far ruled out arms deliveries to Kiev.
The White House has instead limited US assistance to “non-lethal” aid that includes body armor, medical equipment and radar to detect mortar fire.
“Although our focus remains on pursuing a solution through diplomatic means, we are always evaluating other options that will help create space for a negotiated solution to the crisis,” National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan told the Times.
But with economic sanctions appearing to have little effect on Russia, the issue of defensive weapons has been pushed back into discussion.
Russia stands broadly accused of supporting the separatist movement, so the supply of lethal aid to pro-Kiev forces could raise the stakes in the conflict.
General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, is open to new discussions about providing lethal aid, as is Obama’s security adviser Susan Rice, the Times said.
“A comprehensive approach is warranted, and we agree that defensive equipment and weapons should be part of that discussion,” a Pentagon official told the Times.
An independent report to be formally issued Monday will urge the US to send $3 billion in defensive arms and equipment to Ukraine, including reconnaissance drones and anti-armor missiles.
Most of Ukraine’s aging stock of anti-armor missiles is out of commission.
The report, released jointly by the Atlantic Council, the Brookings Institution and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, is already available online.
0 thoughts on “US said to reconsider arming Ukraine’s forces”
Does this mean Depleted Uranium weapons,,,the weapons with which the US has polluted some of its former battle fields forever and whose women of these places will forever give birth to children with hideous with birth defects too horrible to describe?
Cui bono? Who benefits . . . and what is the “End Game”?
“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
– Jewish Supremacist James Warburg to U.S. Senate Committee (1950)
Ukraine is positioned to be the “flash point” between USA/NATO (Zionists) and Russia (BRICS Nations) forces. As this Economic “Cold War” continues to escalate into a “Hot War”, one must ask what would it take for this conflict to move from “Conventional Weapons” to “Nuclear Weapons”?
What would happen if our “Special Friends” in Israel decided “By Way Of Deception” to launch one of their hundreds of illegal “Nuclear Weapons” at a US target . .. and have their Zionist 5th Column Media frame Russia for the attack?
Another “Patsy” in a long line of Zionist “Patsies”.
I find it interesting that this same Zionist 5th Column propaganda machine has gone into overdrive to try and sell the meme of “Rising Anti-Semitism” in North America and Europe, while the Israeli Hasbara machine is rolling out the “Welcome Mat” for Jews to make “Aliya” to be part of “Greater Israel/PAX Judaica”.
As we now know, Sith Lord Rothschild had bought up the French publication, “Charlie Hebdo” mere months before the recent “False Flag” terrorist attacks there . . .
. . . not unlike how Jewish Supremacist Lucky Larry Silverstein bought up the WTC complex mere months before the 9-11 “False Flag” terrorist attacks.
By now, anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear is well aware of the concept of “Jewish Projection” from these MASTERS “Eternal Victimhood”. How many times have we heard the “Hyper-Whine” of:
“White Europeans suffer from being inflicted with the disease of irrational anti-Semitism” . . .
. . . repeated ad nauseam from these self-proclaimed “Chosenites”?
If one merely turns that around, do we not read that “Jews are inflicted with an irrational hatred of White non-Jews”?
A quick study of Talmudic Noahide symbolism would bear this out as concluding that “White non-Jews” are an “abomination” to “THE LAW” of the Jews.
In the Jewish Supremacist “world view” or “Natural World Order”, there should ONLY be three races under Talmudic Noahide Law symbolized by the three sons of Noah. Shem, the White Jewish MASTER son; Japheth, the Brown “Faithful Servant” son; and Ham, the Black “Cursed Slave” son.
Back when I was part of the Freemasons, I was always fascinated by the “trick” the Jews played on White non-Jews both during the time of the Knights Templars and on modern Freemasons.
To try and explain this “abomination” of “White non-Jews”, the diaspora Talmudic Jews created the meme that said that this race was descended from the blood line of Cain and Lamech; Cain being the first son of Eve. The Jews, on the other hand, were descended from Seth, the third son of Eve.
In other words, the Jews inserted a “shim” between “Shem” and “Japheth” and put the White non-Jews there in their model. . . “To Protect and Serve”.
This was swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the modern Freemasons who refused to accept the axiom of:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
– The Declaration of Independence, 1776
This “Judeo-Christian” alliance was at the core of the “Manifest Destiny” and “White Man’s Burden” agendas of the early Industrial Revolution and was funded heavily by the Jewish Private Central banking families, especially the Sith Lord Rothschilds.
The “trick” to this Jewish deception is right there in Genesis, as only ONE of those “Garden of Eden” blood lines survived the “Great Flood” in Jewish mythology.
I always go back to all those “MAD Magazines” I bought as a kid during “The Cold War” between The USA and The Soviet Union where the Jewish mascot, “Alfred E. Neuman” would reply to the nuclear War Cry of “Mutually Assured Destruction” with a “Jon Stewart/Bill Maher” arrogant smirk:
“What??? Me Worry???”
I wonder if all these “Righteous Gentile” useful idiots faithfully serving the Zionist Agenda in North America, Europe and Russia will finally get the “joke” in a nuclear flash . . .
. . . as more “Dancing Israelis” celebrate their global conquest for “Greater Israel” and “PAX Judaica”?
•A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
•Small army of undercover CIA agents
•Controlled “Human Rights /Pro Democracy” groups
•Idealistic “Western wannabee” college brats
•Easily manipulated do-gooder “libtards”
•Professional signs & banners written in English
•Bribable / blackmailable journalists
•Bribable / blackmailable politicians
•Bribable / blackmailable academics
•Corrupt Union bosses
•Violent “Agent Provocatuers”
Minister Farrakhan is right. I love the way he speaks and he is very much knowledgeable of many things regular people ignore. He reads the right sources of information, he does not seem to read the Jewish controlled News Media that tells us only lies. God bless Minister Farrakhan, he tells the truth.
Does this mean Depleted Uranium weapons,,,the weapons with which the US has polluted some of its former battle fields forever and whose women of these places will forever give birth to children with hideous with birth defects too horrible to describe?
Cui bono? Who benefits . . . and what is the “End Game”?
“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
– Jewish Supremacist James Warburg to U.S. Senate Committee (1950)
Ukraine is positioned to be the “flash point” between USA/NATO (Zionists) and Russia (BRICS Nations) forces. As this Economic “Cold War” continues to escalate into a “Hot War”, one must ask what would it take for this conflict to move from “Conventional Weapons” to “Nuclear Weapons”?
What would happen if our “Special Friends” in Israel decided “By Way Of Deception” to launch one of their hundreds of illegal “Nuclear Weapons” at a US target . .. and have their Zionist 5th Column Media frame Russia for the attack?
Another “Patsy” in a long line of Zionist “Patsies”.
I find it interesting that this same Zionist 5th Column propaganda machine has gone into overdrive to try and sell the meme of “Rising Anti-Semitism” in North America and Europe, while the Israeli Hasbara machine is rolling out the “Welcome Mat” for Jews to make “Aliya” to be part of “Greater Israel/PAX Judaica”.
As we now know, Sith Lord Rothschild had bought up the French publication, “Charlie Hebdo” mere months before the recent “False Flag” terrorist attacks there . . .
. . . not unlike how Jewish Supremacist Lucky Larry Silverstein bought up the WTC complex mere months before the 9-11 “False Flag” terrorist attacks.
By now, anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear is well aware of the concept of “Jewish Projection” from these MASTERS “Eternal Victimhood”. How many times have we heard the “Hyper-Whine” of:
“White Europeans suffer from being inflicted with the disease of irrational anti-Semitism” . . .
. . . repeated ad nauseam from these self-proclaimed “Chosenites”?
If one merely turns that around, do we not read that “Jews are inflicted with an irrational hatred of White non-Jews”?
A quick study of Talmudic Noahide symbolism would bear this out as concluding that “White non-Jews” are an “abomination” to “THE LAW” of the Jews.
In the Jewish Supremacist “world view” or “Natural World Order”, there should ONLY be three races under Talmudic Noahide Law symbolized by the three sons of Noah. Shem, the White Jewish MASTER son; Japheth, the Brown “Faithful Servant” son; and Ham, the Black “Cursed Slave” son.
Back when I was part of the Freemasons, I was always fascinated by the “trick” the Jews played on White non-Jews both during the time of the Knights Templars and on modern Freemasons.
To try and explain this “abomination” of “White non-Jews”, the diaspora Talmudic Jews created the meme that said that this race was descended from the blood line of Cain and Lamech; Cain being the first son of Eve. The Jews, on the other hand, were descended from Seth, the third son of Eve.
In other words, the Jews inserted a “shim” between “Shem” and “Japheth” and put the White non-Jews there in their model. . . “To Protect and Serve”.
This was swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the modern Freemasons who refused to accept the axiom of:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
– The Declaration of Independence, 1776
This “Judeo-Christian” alliance was at the core of the “Manifest Destiny” and “White Man’s Burden” agendas of the early Industrial Revolution and was funded heavily by the Jewish Private Central banking families, especially the Sith Lord Rothschilds.
The “trick” to this Jewish deception is right there in Genesis, as only ONE of those “Garden of Eden” blood lines survived the “Great Flood” in Jewish mythology.
I always go back to all those “MAD Magazines” I bought as a kid during “The Cold War” between The USA and The Soviet Union where the Jewish mascot, “Alfred E. Neuman” would reply to the nuclear War Cry of “Mutually Assured Destruction” with a “Jon Stewart/Bill Maher” arrogant smirk:
“What??? Me Worry???”
I wonder if all these “Righteous Gentile” useful idiots faithfully serving the Zionist Agenda in North America, Europe and Russia will finally get the “joke” in a nuclear flash . . .
. . . as more “Dancing Israelis” celebrate their global conquest for “Greater Israel” and “PAX Judaica”?
“President John F. Kennedy On Secret Societies – April 27th 1961”
– bb9
interesting info thanks bb9, peace back at ya 🙂
Prompted by the cover image, here’s a great read:
NWO Recipes Presents : “How to cook up a Fake People’s Uprising!” (by Mike King)
•A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
•Small army of undercover CIA agents
•Controlled “Human Rights /Pro Democracy” groups
•Idealistic “Western wannabee” college brats
•Easily manipulated do-gooder “libtards”
•Professional signs & banners written in English
•Bribable / blackmailable journalists
•Bribable / blackmailable politicians
•Bribable / blackmailable academics
•Corrupt Union bosses
•Violent “Agent Provocatuers”
(… contd.)
Minister Farrakhan is right. I love the way he speaks and he is very much knowledgeable of many things regular people ignore. He reads the right sources of information, he does not seem to read the Jewish controlled News Media that tells us only lies. God bless Minister Farrakhan, he tells the truth.