Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein extended the invitation “to maintain Israel’s dialogue with both political parties in Congress.”
Two senior US Senate Democrats invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to a closed-door meeting with Democratic senators during his upcoming visit to Washington, warning that making US-Israeli relations a partisan political issue could have “lasting repercussions.”
Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein extended the invitation “to maintain Israel’s dialog with both political parties in Congress,” according to a letter to the Israeli leader obtained by Reuters.
Netanyahu has faced criticism at home and abroad for his plans to address Congress on Iran’s nuclear program on March 3, just two weeks before Israeli elections. He accepted the invitation from Republican leaders in the US Congress, who consulted neither Democrats in Congress nor Democratic President Barack Obama’s administration.
“This unprecedented move threatens to undermine the important bipartisan approach towards Israel – which as long-standing supporters of Israel troubles us deeply,” the two senators wrote.
“It sacrifices deep and well-established cooperation on Israel for short-term partisan points – something that should never be done with Israeli security and which we fear could have lasting repercussions,” they said.
Durbin is the No. 2 Democrat in the US Senate. Feinstein, who has been in the Senate since 1992, is the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations and Judiciary committees.
The letter was sent on Monday evening. Officials at the Israeli Embassy could not immediately be reached for comment.
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The letter means the Democrats are scared the Jews will go full bore Republican ! The jews can pull everything out of them,and they would be a marginilized party I assure you. Scandel,after scandel would be uncovered,and Hollywood/Media would be told to turn on the heat with films and satire. Note; the Senate Democrat Whip -slob Dick Durbin was the slep ,the Jews used in 1982 ,to unseat ,pre Neoconservative,Zio- Republican Paul Findley ( See his book -THEY DARE TO SPEAK OUT) and we all know what Feinstein is all about. She is a half Jew. Her mother was Irish,and a poor soul drunk. Diane new where the power was :” Being a Christian was not right for me”,and went full bore Jew. Big money came first,through marriage, than a stellar political career. She was the Mayor of San Francisco ,before becoming CA ,powerfull Senator. She is ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee . Was its chair. She’s still running it. Jews own all of the Chairs,on Capital Hill. Jews need Talmudic contradiction to rule. See this brilliantly explained : REAL MONEY & THE HAGLIEN DIALECTIC, Real Jew News .Com, OCCULT FORCES 1943,You Tube. The Jews can not abandon the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix. The Democrats must stay “IN”. That is why they hated National Socialist Germany,which BROKE their see saw ,racket in a spectactular fashion. They feared this example spreading,as it did to Japan. See THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY -Real Jew News.Com. Since WW2 , Arab Nationalism ,which followed a similier pattern ,had to be destroyed,or are on the target list. Putins Russia ,as well.
Feinstein acting here out of purely tribal instincts. Dianne fears being isolated from the Jewish power structure by taking the side of her party over the war-party of Netanyahu. Feinstein recognizes the punishment for dissent will be the scarlet letter treatment. These people are as shallow and conceited as they come, how on earth does a Gentile vote for a Jew in the first place? How on earth does that happen?
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Jalta 1944 …………….Glück, Auf, meine Heimat!
To answer “How does a Gentile vote for a Jew in the first place ?” The good question,from an excellent post ,by D Hart. Because the Gentile world is the “Goyim” ;”The Herd”,the Jews refer to us in the Talmud. Jews are news 24/7,in the West,and responded to on the rest of this exiled ,from reality planet. The mass mind is enslaved to them,from school,to church,medicine,mental health,and all things crass,and commercial . Turn on Talmudvision right,this moment-and see. Most every actor,personalities,or the productions 100 % Jew owned. The frantic commercials,and all selling what they push. Pharmacuticals ,and the lawyers provided to sue ,when they kill you, complete the Hebreic Dialectic. But would voting against ‘a Jew’,matter? Real Jew power,is never fully evident ;hidden from the stupid majority. In a world hostile to them,they managed to hide behind Monarchs, Ministers,Prime Ministers,Presidents,Congress’s,and Movements. Labor and Capital. Even Christianity,who’s founder they prderd killed ! To beat them ,we must all stop being Jews. Reconnect ,with who WE are. Ignore their world. Defy them in all things. Dress with dignity, act with honor, entertain with the classics, eat the natural, look to beauty,and all things NOT POISONED by the Jew. Do not be in their multitudes. It can be done,… and all things DEFY. Speak,with courage,and do not hide the truth. Do so on firm ground,without playing on theres. Say no to them,and those who SUPPORT them.
Netanyahu will get what he wants. Always does. He’s a Jew. And Jews control the U.S. govt. It really is that simple.
What a nutter! Still can’t get over the fact this loony toon came in UN speech with a drawn picture of a bomb and his colouring pen.
AmeriKan slaves to this foreigner. I don’t care which foreign leader from which country. USSA “leadership” is especially craven and pathetic as they grovel before this polished turd.
How ’bout this; F*#K Israel!!!
@#6Netanyahu will get what he wants. Always does. He’s a Jew. And Jews control the U.S. govt. It really is that simple
netanyahoo is not a jew,he is Polish his name Milikovsky
I just saw on the Israeli Haaretz site that Bibi Nutty-Yahoo has declined this offer:
“Netanyahu declines U.S. Democrats’ invitation for meeting during visit
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined on Tuesday an invitation to meet with U.S. Senate Democrats during his trip to Washington next week.
“Though I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to meet with Democratic Senators, I believe that doing so at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit,” Netanyahu wrote in a letter to Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein obtained by Reuters.
Durbin and Feinstein had invited Netanyahu to a closed-door meeting with Democratic senators in a letter on Monday, amid tensions over his plans to address the U.S. Congress on Iran’s nuclear program.”
– bb9
@ Bikpet: Thank you. Yes, this fact about “Netanovsky” explains a LOT of things, and people whould not only know this but factor it into their prediction/ analysis of this vile humanoid. … This fact about him plays some sick and critical role in the Jewlluminati’s characteristically ironic “rituals” in world history/ politics.