US senators warned the PA they would seek ways to protect Israeli citizens from “politically abusive” ICC actions.
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That a boy Congress! You tell those Palestinians that truth, justice and freedom are for Israeli Jews only!!!!!!. And if the Palestinians keep making noise about wanting some to we are going to get you!!!!
Thank god for the US Congress. In a world that is always changing you can always count on the hypocrisy of the true blue US Congress to save the day by protecting the guilty…………….Israel! Or any number of other 2 bit dictatorships the US supports and protects. The Ukraine for instance.
People if Israel hasn’t done anything wrong; hasn’t committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide; isn’t operating as an apartheid regime that openly discriminates against all non jews; than why in the world should they object to Palestinians exercising their rights under international law? The ONLY reason that Israel would be afraid is if they actually are guilty of all of these charges. After all, if Israel were innocent, then surely they would want to clear their name in international court. (clearly they are guilty, as numerous investigations, courts and the UN have already found which explains the hysteria)
Thousands of Palestinians slaughtered, most of the women and children, but, oh, don’t “politically abuse the Jews.” Need more proof that we live under a Judeocracy?
The most denigrating term I can use for this bunch of cowards/traitors?
You are all nothing more than stereotypes of the incredible invisible POW/”hero” McCain.
Shame on you and yours.
Call or write your representative. I worked in politics,and believe me,it upsets them,knowing people like us ,are out there ! Again,one can see that Jews/Israel,are above the laws. The three here,along with Mc Cann,are the special lapdogs;the others follow. Kirk Republican in Ill,knows what happened to Charles Percy of the state. Graham is a homosexual,from a Bible Belt Stare,and Melendex loves underage prostitutes… all is forgiven when Jews OWN you. Like the slogan of Hebrew National Hot Dogs:”We obey a higher authority”.
Lets all remember that Kirk-R is the #1 recipient of AIPAC donations for votes. He should take the US flag off his lapel and replace it with the isaeli flag
America is Israel’s Bitch and has become a terrorist dictator state! Every single elected Federal politician and all members of the Judiciary are criminals and need to be tried as such! There is no reforming of the system, it must be abolished, the traitors punished and the Republic formed as originally set forth in the Articles of Confederation which, by the way, was NOT abolished by the US Constitution! The truth is that the US Constitution was used as a ruse to impose tyranny and unlawful wealth confiscation (tax) on sovereign citizens. Americans have been duped from the time of Washington’s inauguration! Doubt me? Read about the Four Organic Laws (that the US Code still cites) as presented by legal and constitutional scholar Eduardo Rivera! If you get into the matter in depth, it will blow your mind!
Interesting post by Dante … It made me think: what if the ICC were open to independent groups within a nation (and not just nations), and groups from within the US dragged their senators to ICC for prosecution? There would NOT be a dearth of offenses these criminals have perpetrated — from their closets to their offices!
Here’s hoping the non-Zionist Russians deal effectively with the U$a & I$rael . Abuse my ASS!