0 thoughts on “Venezuela: Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma arrested on claims of coup plot”
  1. i live here in venezuela and these monsters in the oppsition done messing everything up
    here is a link to what the oipposition newspaper posts

  2. These are firing-squad offences! Simple; Guilty = BANG!! Fidel had some great firing squads for the devils who didn’t escape! Somoza got his, too. All those guilty of this coup should be shot. We should’ve shot Pollard, then flown his bullet-riddled ass back to Israel, and El Al would’ve paid for it!

  3. Excellent. The government should arrest all these bastards. I’m tired of seeing the US-backed opposition install guarimbas (burning barricades) throughout Caracas and other cities. Their purpose is to obstruct traffic and business, causing major inconveniences for everyone, while the TV stations (all of them except the government station owned by rich people) blame the government for all the problems caused by the barricades.

    The guarimbas are mainly installed in the more affluent areas. There are two reasons for this. First, if they were installed in the poorer regions, then the local people would tear them down. Second, the guarimbas in affluent areas keep upper-class people furious with the government.

    (When people suffer hardships, they blame the government, regardless of who is actually causing the hardships.)

    They guarimbas are installed in the cities and in rich outlying suburbs. One of the opposition’s tricks is to set up a barricade, and then hide as motorists stop their cars and get out to move part of the barricade so they can continue on their journey. When that happens, opposition snipers shoot them. They also shoot members of the National Guard and National Police when clearing road barricades.

    In many cases the opposition burns whole forests in order to make life uglier for everyone. For example, the picture below shows Avila National Park burning. This is a pristine area that overlooks Caracas. The opposition set it on fire. Nationwide it is estimated that the guarimberos have cut down or destroyed 5000 trees. Their willingness to destroy nature reveals their true character.


    Below, this barricade was erected less than 150 meters (500 ft) from a police station to prevent access to the municipality of San Diego in Carabobo State from the Central Regional Highway. The mayor of San Diego, Enzo Scarano actually ordered this construction. When a court ordered him to remove the barricade, he refused, and was sentenced to 10 months in jail.. The private media in Venezuela, the international corporate media, Human Rights Watch and other NGOs claim that Mr. Scarano’s arrest is an example of “repression” by the Maduro government.


    Sometimes the US-backed terrorists screw up. In Táchira state a young “guarimbero” was electrocuted and three more injured then they tried to connect a high tension power cable to a barricade they had set up with the aim of electrocuting the National Guard when they tried to clear it.

    In Zulia a protester was killed when a home-made mortar exploded and blew his chest open as he aimed it at the National Guard. Twitter users tried to say he had been shot dead by the National Guard.


  4. “Democracy”,the USA shouts,and brainwashes the publlic into thinking they not only have one,but that it is desirable. Guess what-it is neither. The Jews ,who own the West love “democracy”,and impose,or take it away ,at will. They say:”It is time for Venezuala ,to end theres,and than reimpose it with the Kosher Seal.

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