

This disturbing video shows Israeli youths, escorted by police and occupation forces, marching through the Old City of Jerusalem chanting “mavet la’aravim” – “death to the Arabs” – and other cries of hate.

According to the racism-monitoring website Kifaya, the 19 April march was part of the monthly “Tour of the Gates” by Jewish extremists through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City.

As part of the event, held at the beginning of every month according to the Jewish calendar, the one-kilometer-long route is blocked to Palestinians, and businesses and stores must close, Kifaya says.

Palestinians are forbidden from leaving their homes during the march.

“Some 1,500 Jews participated in the march,” Kifaya says, “and it was secured by hundreds of policemen and soldiers, who thronged the area.”

Organized hate

In addition to “death to the Arabs,” the marchers’ repertoire of cries and songs included: “revenge,” “may your name be wiped out,” “may your village be burnt down,” and the anti-Muslim chant “Muhammad is dead” –- all heard by the police and occupation forces who secured the event, Kifaya says.

Some of the marchers even banged on the doors of homes and businesses and there were also some attempts to damage property.

Israel expert Dena Shunra told The Electronic Intifada that “may your name be wiped out” is a “very potent curse, generally used for enemies of the entire Jewish nation. Hitler is always mentioned with that curse.”

Shunra observes that the video reveals the highly organized nature of the march: the youths in the yellow vests in front have the word “ushers” on their backs.

At 0:24, a young man can be seen wearing a kippa – skull cap – with the word “Nachman” on it, indicating that he, at least, is affiliated with the Breslauer sect of Hasidic Jews.

At 0:54 some participants can be seen holding what look like papers with slogans printed on them.

It is striking, Shunra adds, “the way liturgical texts and songs are interspersed amongst the hate cries.”

Israelis regularly hold similar hate marches on “Jerusalem Day,” a government-decreed annual celebration of the city’s military occupation and annexation in violation of international law.

0 thoughts on “Video: “Death to the Arabs” march forces its way through occupied Jerusalem”
  1. These Jewtard foreigners in Palestine are always bitchin’ and moanin’ about anti-Semitism, but are too ignorant (and snot-nosed arrogant) to even realize that they themselves are about as “Semitic” as my aquarium of tropical fish. However, the people whom they despise and hate (and murder, torture, and steal from) with their little soulless black hearts – the Palestinians and the peoples of the Arab world – are the only actual “Semitic” people in this entire Middle Eastern equation. This historical reality, of course, would make modern Jewry out to be the greatest collection of anti-Semites to walk the earth. As for myself, I take great offence at the label “anti-Semite.” I am very pro-Semitic; I have great respect for the Palestinian and Arab peoples. I am to be more appropriately labeled as “anti-Khazarian.” And btw, “Mavet le Yehudim!” Someday ALL of Palestine will be returned to its rightful owners and the beaten-down Palestinian people will then be able to move into all the beautiful homes throughout the land built with U.S. taxpayer money and the blood of U.S. soldiers. For the “Jews” (the Yehudim), there will be no country or resting place. They will be ‘persona non grata’ in every nation they once tried to destroy, and in Palestine there will be checkpoints at the borders to make sure that not one of these creatures EVER enters Palestine again, as in “Never Again!”

  2. Why do they censor her name? Let everyone know the name of this vile POS. Something a Jew would say. Pig.

  3. At the rate the jews are killing the Palestinians the jews will probably get their wish. They have to be the most hateful, despicable people to inhabit the planet. This miserable world sits by and does nothing. Shame on us too.

  4. Bill Burroughs, thank you for your support and your kind words towards the Palestinians and Arabs nightmare called Israel .

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