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3 thoughts on “Video: Israel plants armed “stone throwers” among Palestinian protestors”
  1. I just wish Jesus would come back and cleanse the earth of these people. They do every evil imaginable, and yet they’re praised in almost every church in America as being a divine master race, when, in fact, they’re the children of Satan himself. Please, please, please, Jesus, deal with them. The Bible says that, in heaven, the martyrs cry out with blood-soaked robes, asking God to please dispense justice. How much longer must we wait?

  2. Yes that’s exactly what i thought when i saw pictures of so called undercover Israeli “security” personnel – how easy it would be for them to start the trouble and could you really tell the difference?
    They just happen to mingle with the crowd – agent provocateurs i say, works two fold – you start the trouble to show the world Palestinians are all terrorists and then you can show the world video images of said Palestinians (Jews)….. a win win situation for them.

  3. ” How much longer must we wait?”

    Until we move our bums up and get both hands free…

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