In Amsterdam and facing extradition, Eliezer Berland says he went to visit relatives and ended up in Buchenwald
Judaism, Zionism and the Toxic Effect of Apocalyptic Religious Delusions on World
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Well now, isn’t that special! The Jewish ‘get-out-of-jail-free-card’, ‘ace-up-his-sleeve’.
The masters of schmoozing and BULL!
“Mirror, mirror on the wall,….who’s the fairest of them all”?
Organized crime masquerading as a ‘religion’.
A ‘religion’ where one worships themselves.
Oy Vey!!! Ver so per-so-cuted!!
Harrumph, harrumph!!
Now there are millions of HOLO-HOAX survivors all over the world.
Lol what an evil religion.