
ed note–from the author’s Wikipedia page–

‘Joshua Muravchik was one of the group of writers who moved away from the political left in the 1960s and 1970s and came to be called “neoconservatives.”’

In addition to being a member of WINEP, a 100% pro-Israel/pro-war/pro-Likud outfit that never saw a Judaic massacre of Gentiles it didn’t like, he also serves on the board of trustees and the executive committee of Freedom House, one of the groups responsible for all the unrest in Syria, Libya and the ‘Arab Spring’ in general.

A partial list of some of the books/articles written by this Zionist rodent is as follows–

1. Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel

2. Liberal Oasis: The Truth About Israel

3. Trailblazers of the Arab Spring: Voices of Democracy in the Middle East

4. Exporting Democracy: Fulfilling America’s Destiny

5. Bomb Iran

etc, etc, etc…

There was a time in America’s history where he would have been arrested as a spy and summarily shot.

Remember as well, that despite op-eds such as this appearing every freaking day in America’s media, when writers/speakers such as yours truly allege that there is a concerted effort by organized Jewish interests to embroil America in Israel’s wars, groups such as the ADL and all its little cockroach-cousins scream ‘ANTI SEMITIC CONSPIRACY THEORY’ and are echoed by ‘good Jews’ such as Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, etc.

Washington Post

The logical flaw in the indictment of a looming “very bad” nuclear deal with Iran that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered before Congress this month was his claim that we could secure a “good deal” by calling Iran’s bluff and imposing tougher sanctions. The Iranian regime that Netanyahu described so vividly — violent, rapacious, devious and redolent with hatred for Israel and the United States — is bound to continue its quest for nuclear weapons by refusing any “good deal” or by cheating.

This gives force to the Obama administration’s taunting rejoinder: What is Netanyahu’s alternative? War? But the administration’s position also contains a glaring contradiction. National security adviser Susan Rice declared at an American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference before Netanyahu’s speech that “a bad deal is worse than no deal.” So if Iran will accept only a “bad deal,” what is President Obama’s alternative? War?

Obama’s stance implies that we have no choice but to accept Iran’s best offer — whatever is, to use Rice’s term, “achievable” — because the alternative is unthinkable.

But should it be? What if force is the only way to block Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? That, in fact, is probably the reality. Ideology is the raison d’etre of Iran’s regime, legitimating its rule and inspiring its leaders and their supporters. In this sense, it is akin to communist, fascist and Nazi regimes that set out to transform the world. Iran aims to carry its Islamic revolution across the Middle East and beyond. A nuclear arsenal, even if it is only brandished, would vastly enhance Iran’s power to achieve that goal.

Such visionary regimes do not trade power for a mess of foreign goods. Materialism is not their priority: They often sacrifice prosperity to adhere to ideology. Of course, they need some wealth to underwrite their power, but only a limited amount. North Korea has remained dirt poor practicing its ideology of juche, or self-reliance, but it still found the resources to build nuclear weapons.

Sanctions may have induced Iran to enter negotiations, but they have not persuaded it to abandon its quest for nuclear weapons. Nor would the stiffer sanctions that Netanyahu advocates bring a different result. Sanctions could succeed if they caused the regime to fall; the end of communism in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and of apartheid in South Africa, led to the abandonment of nuclear weapons in those states. But since 2009, there have been few signs of rebellion in Tehran.

Otherwise, only military actions — by Israel against Iraq and Syria, and through the specter of U.S. force against Libya — have halted nuclear programs. Sanctions have never stopped a nuclear drive anywhere.

Does this mean that our only option is war? Yes, although an air campaign targeting Iran’s nuclear infrastructure would entail less need for boots on the ground than the war Obama is waging against the Islamic State, which poses far smaller a threat than Iran does.

Wouldn’t an attack cause ordinary Iranians to rally behind the regime? Perhaps, but military losses have also served to undermine regimes, including the Greek and Argentine juntas, the Russian czar and the Russian communists.

Wouldn’t destroying much of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure merely delay its progress? Perhaps, but we can strike as often as necessary. Of course, Iran would try to conceal and defend the elements of its nuclear program, so we might have to find new ways to discover and attack them. Surely the United States could best Iran in such a technological race.

Much the same may be said in reply to objections that airstrikes might not reach all the important facilities and that Iran would then proceed unconstrained by inspections and agreements. The United States would have to make clear that it will hit wherever and whenever necessary to stop Iran’s program. Objections that Iran might conceal its program so brilliantly that it could progress undetected all the way to a bomb apply equally to any negotiated deal with Iran.

And finally, wouldn’t Iran retaliate by using its own forces or proxies to attack Americans — as it has done in Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia — with new ferocity? Probably. We could attempt to deter this by warning that we would respond by targeting other military and infrastructure facilities.

Nonetheless, we might absorb some strikes. Wrenchingly, that might be the price of averting the heavier losses that we and others would suffer in the larger Middle Eastern conflagration that is the likely outcome of Iran’s drive to the bomb. Were Iran, which is already embroiled in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza, further emboldened by becoming a “nuclear threshold state,” it would probably overreach, kindling bigger wars — with Israel, Arab states or both. The United States would probably be drawn in, just as we have been in many other wars from which we had hoped to remain aloof.

Yes, there are risks to military action. But Iran’s nuclear program and vaunting ambitions have made the world a more dangerous place. Its achievement of a bomb would magnify that danger manyfold. Alas, sanctions and deals will not prevent this.

0 thoughts on “‘War with Iran is probably our best option’”
  1. The people of Iran cannot give something they do not posses, namely nuclear weapon and imperial ambitions, unlike Israel’s nuclear armed divine empire.

    Emperors rule by ‘divine’ authority and not man’s.

  2. What’s obvious to anyone with even half a brain cell is that there is no “alternative deal” offered to Iran. They’re expected to dismantle all their nuclear technology ( actually, first given to them (the shah) by the U.S., and to which they’re entitled as signatories to the NPT. So, the real ” deal” is you, Iran, cannot ever become technologically first-world, and if you try to develop fusion technology, you WILL be starved to death and bombed. But the Jewish State has a right to decide who can use fusion technology and who can’t on planet Earth? The Jewish State wants Iran destroyed, no matter what. NOTHING, short of destruction, is going to appease the Jews. For thousands of years, countless societies have been menaced by these monsters. Enough!

  3. Over five thousand comments on the original Washington Post opinion piece offering their personal sentiments!

    Most popular comment:
    “Muravchik is one of the first generation of neocons, brother to the worst bunglers of the Bush administration like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle whose seminal idea and continuing policy was to use US military might in furtherance of Israeli foreign policy goals. ”

    Other top comments are along that line…..

  4. The real problem is that the Bomb is not the issue. Nutty’s insistence was for Regime change. Like the nonsense with Russia, we want them to Change the Way the Behave.
    Nothing to do with Iran bombing Israel, never going to happen except in self defence should Israel attack Iran.
    Israel wants to be the only regional power, hence, Syria 1, Iraq, Libya, Egypt 1, Syria 2, Lebanon, and finally Iran and Egypt 2. All planned 15 years ago. Whatever Iran does or promises, only annihilation and a “stone age” country will satisfy the Zionists.
    The point is that Israel-US has lost. The sanctions are over. They can never re-establish any sanction regime, as the world will rather deal with BRICS and Asia than with US-UK. This includes the EU.
    Obama at least recognises that he can have a little influence now, or absolutely none in a years time.

  5. I could not stomach a single word past the comment that Iran posed a greater threat to the world than ISIS. The absurdity of that statement almost left me breathless ~ as stupid as connecting Saddam and Bin Laden as terrorists together as an excuse to attack Iraq. WHAT PISSES ME OFF is that all the information is there ~ the knowledge is there ~ but the ignorance and cognitive dissonance deafens.

    Even when our real enemy puts it right into words as they do above ~ folks still buy the lies.

    The reading I have been doing lately has been getting to me, I suppose. It all just seems so very hopeless ~ the human race has been threatened by these creatures before.

    There was so much BS in that article … I am, alas, not patient enough to slowly pick it apart bit by bit. Israel is seriously preparing and pushing here. We are in a global war but because it has not been “formally” declared, few get the big picture due to fractionalized reporting. The see things in terms of scuffles, not a war.

    Being “enlightened” has its price no matter what you choose to do with your insight and vision. These are such serious times. Somehow, although I knew they were coming all of my life, I had thought I might have the good fortune to be “gone” by the time they arrived.

    The sense of deja vu is almost overwhelming at times because we, the human race, have been dealing with these creatures for millenia ~ millenia. It won’t be the first time their madness has destroyed the planet but it will certainly be the last for a very long time. Part of me harks back to memories of civilizations drowned and part of every culture’s oldest legends…

    We are about to become another lost civilization ~ by fire, not water, this time. It sounds extreme but sometimes we have to face our nightmares.

    Maybe it is the dark skies outside my window, but now I remember why I do not encourage my children to breed.

  6. Oh, but for a well positioned meteor or comet in the mid-east that could solve so many problems!

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