
ed note–as we have said here often, people need to understand the events surrounding Israel’s attack on the USS LIBERTY on June 8, 1967 if they are to understand what is happening now.

The common misconception about the attack on the LIBERTY was that Israel wanted to drag the Americans into the 6-Day war with her. This is not entirely accurate. On June 6, the war was just about over and the Jewish state had basically prevailed over the Arabs.

What was really at stake was driving the Russians out of the Middle East by creating a situation whereby the Egyptians would be blamed for the sinking of the LIBERTY, and therefore Russia–Egypt’s biggest ally at the time–would be put in such a difficult political situation that the powers that be (hoped) would result in Russia pulling out of the region, leaving America as the lone superpower there. As the attack was taking place, F4 Phantom jets armed with nukes were on their way to Cairo with orders to nuke that city. The Russians were aware from the beginning what was going on and in a heated threat to then-president Lyndon Johnson, the Russian government made clear that they were ready to play hardball with the Americans if that was what was necessary.

What went wrong that day–as far as the conspirators were concerned–was that (by the grace of God) the LIBERTY did not sink.

Now, the same powers that be who almost initiated a nuclear war between the US and the Russians are back at it again and with the same goal in mind–driving the Russians out of the Middle East and whittling her influence down to size so that she cannot challenge the Judeo/Zionist/Masonic West in its hegemonic designs. 

Right now, it is June 8, 1967, and those same F4 Phantoms loaded with nukes are on their way to deliver their payload.

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One thought on “War With Russia is Coming–Stop the Sabre-Rattling Before It’s Too Late”
  1. Every one know that the Zio-boys are provoking Russia on her very borders knowing that the Russians have nuclear missiles and sophisticated military equipment that can destroy Europe and convert the US into a pile of radioactive ashes but the Zio-boys do not care, they wouldn’t care less if they kill a third of the world’s population. If the Jews can’t have their way the SAMPSON OPTION is their last resource.

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