France experienced a 101% increase in anti-Semitic acts last year, says report.


Last summer’s European “wave of anti-Israel sentiments… crossed the line into anti-Semitism,” the US State Department declared in its annual report on international religious freedom.

The annual report, which covered issues of religious freedom worldwide over the course of 2014, was released Wednesday in Washington by Secretary of State John Kerry and US ambassador for religious freedom Rabbi David Saperstein.

The surge in anti-Semitism in Western Europe last year “left many pondering the viability of Jewish communities in some countries,” the report said.

Asked by a reporter how he determined the dividing line between anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments, Saperstein replied that while criticism of any nation is appropriate, the difference is “right on the cusp of that line when it holds one country to different standards than it would hold any other country.”

“Where it has often crossed the line is when groups try to argue that Israel is an inherently illegal state and doesn’t have a right to exist as a Jewish state here and takes actions to delegitimize those fundamental rights,” he said.

“Normally we think of that as the denial of rights to a person that are given to other similarly situated people, or the imposition of obligations on a person not applied to other people. We normally think of that as racism. And this, in the minds of many, feels that when it steps over that line, that it constitutes anti-Semitic activity and not just anti-legitimate discourse about Israel’s policies.”

According to the report, last year France experienced a 101-percent increase in anti-Semitic acts, including “numerous cases of physical violence against the Jewish community where individuals were targeted and beaten and synagogues were fire bombed.”

This led to an upswing in emigration, with 7,231 people making aliya, up from 3,293 in 2013.

The report cited multiple events, including the burning of a kosher grocery in Sarcelles linked to anti-Israel protests at which both anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments were voiced.

In another incident cited by report, this time in Essen in Germany, anti-Israel demonstrators chanted “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” at a demonstration and protesters attempted to burn down a synagogue.

Sworn in as ambassador in February, Saperstein, the former director of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, was the first Jew to hold his post.

He had been a member of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships from 2010 to 2011. He also was a member of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom from 1999 to 2001.

Speaking at his swearing-in ceremony, Saperstein touched on the same issue that came up this week. “Even in Western Europe,”he said, “we are witnessing a steady increase in anti-Muslim acts and rhetoric and anti-Semitic discourse and acts of desecration and violence against Jewish individuals, synagogues and institutions and communities that we thought we would never, never see again after World War II.”

8 thoughts on “Washington: European anti-Israel sentiment crossed the line into anti-Semitism”
  1. Theodor Herzl was the one who said in 1895 that the so-called ‘antisemitism’ would be a good ally of Zionist dream of establishing a state in Palestine. Since then, anti-Semitism events have been created by the Zionist thugs all around the world.

    In France, even to mention that the current French president Hollande and his cabinet is flooded with Jewish cabinet ministers from PM to FM is ‘antisemitism’.

  2. Hmmm

    The crux of the problem here has nothing what so ever to do with attacks on the Jewish faith. It is that actions committed by Israel that are condemned in other countries as terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity and Apartheid that are deemed by the Jewish community as OK when Israel does them. And these same people fail to see that it is their own double standard when scream antisemitism whenever the truth about Israel’s crimes are publicly stated. Criticism of Israel and/or the presentation of factual information is NEVER Anti-Semitic! It is simply the truth.

    Furthermore look at the absolutely gigantic double standard regarding what is considered by these same Jewish fanatics to be acceptable when it comes to open attacks against the Islamic faith, let alone Muslims in general. How many people have lost their jobs because they attacked Muslims and Islam? Virtually none. On the other hand thousands of people have lost their jobs or did not get hired for a job because they were critical of Israel, not Judaism. Talk about a double standard. One final note here; Criticism of the state of Israel is protected by law and the 2nd Amendment and it is high time the Israeli lobby stopped trying to subvert the Constitution.

  3. well i hate zionists, whether they are zionist jews or zionist christians, i hate zionism, and i believe that people are going to start killing jews in america and europe to justified the deaths of palestians.

  4. Well yep, what about the parents of lost child hero’s that just gave their lives killing towel heads and dem moooooslums that learn the truth about Muslims having nothing at all to do with the 911 Big Lie and subsequent wars? How angry will they be at the synagogue of satins spawn? The total bull shit that has come out of these vipers mouths is worthy of a total world clean up. They hate peace. They hate the message of Jesus. Did you know that on the morning of 911, the jews that worked at the Twin Towers and Building 7 were tipped off via text messages by a company called odigo not to go to work that day? 3 jews died. So, here’s the question: How many of the many many jews that worked at ground 0 tipped off any of the goyim not to go into work that day? Answer: NONE. There’s a American saying…. Payback is a Bitch.

  5. Jew crimes and the Jews who remain silent, or worse, openly support Israeli crimes are hated. Simple. Get too close to the fire & get burned. Jews are hated for what they do! Jews are hated for their supremacism & fascism. All Jews are mistrusted because Jews have only one loyalty and that’s to other jews & Israel. You have to beat the bushes to find Jews who will criticize Israel or object to any wars perceived as beneficial for Israel. Dual citizen Israelis in our government is absurd! It should be OUTLAWED! Like Michael Chertoff, dual citizen Israeli who was Chief of the FBI’s criminal division and did much to derail the 9-11 investigation, including deporting the “5 dancing Israelis” who were MOSSAD agents, then Chief of Homeland security after authoring the “Patriot Act”.

    There’s no anti-Semitic offenses against Gilad Atzmon or Norman Finkelstein….or other Jewish critics of Israel & Zionism.

    Chertoff should be tried as a foreign agent and for treason, then shot! Same with the Zionist Jew & Federal judge Alvin Hellerstein, the only judge dispensing of 9-11 suits and paying Larry Silverstein $5 Billion for the WTC destruction on 9-11. 9-11 was all Jews, before & after!

    Whatever happened to that prick-traitor Rudy Jewliani?? Did he fall off the planet? Or did someone wack him? Ha! That’s just wishful thinking.

    But it’s too late. We’re on the Joo-Joo train headed for the cliff.

  6. Europeans are smart, and this is why the International Jews need NATO ,to keep them under Zionist Occupation.

    Israel is Judaism,and Judaism is Israel
    You cannot seperate the teo.
    Saying ” Zionism” is the same as saying ” Jew”.

    The Jews understand this, but stupid Gentiles do not !

    Judaism is not a spiritual religion of transcendent meaning, but a ” Chosen People” of a tribal diety named Yahweh whomprtoimised them a piece of land called Israel, and rule if the material world/earth.

    Thus Israel is absolutely essential for the Jews.

  7. What do they expect?. The whole world watches the crimes IsraHELL is committing against the Palestinians every day. We all know what is going on there thanks to the Internet because the Jewish controlled news media never mention any thing about it, they only say that a “Terrorist” Palestinian killed an innocent Jew bystander.

  8. The truth must super cede all lies. Unfortunately the Zionists do not know truth is. They believe to lie is truth and the truth of what they do is lies. How can human beings with a brain that is the most sophisticated ‘machine’ on this planet can think with a warped mind in this way is sheer madness. Even animals do not kill in the way these monsters are killing innocent women and children. But the wheel turns and what they do will come back to them.

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