Although Israel continues to publicly oppose the emerging agreement, unofficial contacts have begun. U.S. likely to provide Israel with more F-35 combat aircraft, missile defense systems.
The United States and Israel have begun preliminary, unofficial contacts regarding special American military aid for Israel due to developments in the Middle East.
Although neither side has said so explicitly, the Obama administration plans to provide Israel substantial defense compensation if an agreement is signed between Tehran and the world powers to limit Iran’s nuclear program. This is in light of the continued defense risk perceived coming from Iran, as well as huge arms deals between the Washington and the Gulf states. The United States is likely to provide Israel with, among other things, more F-35 combat aircraft and another battery of a missile interception system.
The United States has been committed over the course of a 30-year policy to maintaining Israel’s military superiority over its neighbors. This policy is slated to ensure that the Israel Defense Force has the best American weapons systems, equipment and technology and that no other Middle Eastern country – including Arab nations that are not necessarily hostile to Israel – gets advanced technological systems that have not yet been offered to Israel.
This policy was anchored in legislation in 2008. The president also must update Congress every four years regarding any and all weapons systems the United States has sold in the Middle East. Israel and the United States maintain a constant dialogue regarding the preservation of the IDF’s relative advantage, particularly when major arms deals are signed with Arab states.
With Jews you loose.Always remember that. See how they can wrangle a Quid Pro Quio from anyone ! And it is never enough.