1. Netanyahu being portrayed by Hitler. Hitler sure is doing a great acting job if I closed my eyes I would swear it was Netanyahu

  2. Yes indeed, I felt the same way: it does sound like something satanayhu would say to his advisers and those in his inner circle. I still thought it was funny though and could not resist sharing it.

  3. Isn’t that the thicko President from LeXX? where is first lady Bunny i wonder?
    Personally i think Hitler would approve of Putin!

  4. I don’t like this…Adolf Hitler never shouted and screamed at all . .in public or private.
    He did make bold gestures in speeches.His voice, and body language distorted by Jewish Allied Propaganda.

    Adolf Hitler liberated Germany from the Nutanyahoos of his day ,and the Nutanyahoos of his time declared war on him.

    True witnesses of Hitler in the bunker at the end said he maintained dignity to the final moments.

    Using the Jews propaganda against Hitler ,back at them achieves nothing but wheel spinning for those using it.

  5. Dante Ardenz is right. A vile, false portrayal of Adolf Hitler such as this is truly disgusting, as I stated in a comment here yesterday that I do not see posted. This serves the interest of Jewish propaganda.

  6. A Hitler was a gentlemen and a courageous real leader, He was like Putin soft and logical when talking. The actor resembles Satanyahoo more than the füehrer (PBUH, RIP, and glory for him, forever). The good of the vid is the truth it has, the bad the tortuos tricked yidd propaganda, all false flags and lies.

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