11 thoughts on “WATCH (AND THROW UP) – Why Jews Are The Most Powerful Nation”
  1. I would consider their claims a slight over-reach, to such a point where they now have their Yiddish up their own assess. Now, if we can discuss Gentiles uniting, then that would be an answer

  2. Nice soothing music, slick production.
    And an important message that should not be ignored: the key to Jewish power is Jewish unity.
    The corollary also should not be ignored: the key to gentile impotence is gentile disunity.
    That video really rubs our noses in our disunity. Now that is worth throwing up about.
    After we all finishing throwing up about our disunity, what then?
    Oops, I didn’t finish reading Peter’s comment. I agree with his suggestion about “Gentiles uniting”. That is the challenge of our time!

  3. The psychosis of Jew-dosis is untreatable unless the subject has some kind of spiritual awakening, like Atzmon (through music, when he discovered a world-class musician was not only non-Jewish but black). Or look at Brother Nathaniel: he fell in love with Jesus. It requires that one actually become human. Not an easy thing for a Jew, who is superior, chosen above all, etc.

  4. Gosh! That is psychotic! They kill, they bomb, they ask for nuking civilizations, genocide Palestinians, foment coups, lobby for nasty stuff, possess WMD and nukes, are one of the biggest weapon dealer in the world, finance and train terrorists, want the complete world of goyim at their feet, etc… and… they want unity? Oh! I see… unity is… they are the masters controlers and we are the crawling obedient and silent slaves… well… they are up for a big delusion, I think! It will not happen!

  5. Hey! Jews are human. Get used to the idea! When we gentiles ape them Jews, that’s a worry. They dismiss us as non-human. Do we really have to copy such a disgusting attitude? Where did I put that bucket?
    No, I am not condoning Jewish genocidal hatred and actions.
    I’m telling you Jewish leaders just love gentiles wasting time and energy bad-mouthing them.
    We disunited gentiles need to work at organizing ourselves. If we do that, at some stage unity will become possible.
    As things are, Jewish power is laughing at us. They think we are incapable of unity.

  6. “we all know what happens when the jews unite…non jews die.”

    I don’t agree with you, sorry.
    Jews, and the later “jews”/Khazars are so unite, that we must use them as an example for us!

    Following them we must ostracize all the shabbat goyim and kill the traitors, as they do very effectively with their opponents.

    Have you read the S.H.I.T. List? It’s created by the “jews”/Khazars list of any Jew/”jew”/Khazar going an inch over the red line mastered by the “jews”/Khazars – with personal photos, contacts, etc.

    Do you have a list of your representatives, with USA/Israel dual citizenship? With photos, addresses?

    Non jews die since the Jewish creation of “Christianity” – the first Jewish doctrine for achieving the Jewish NWO.
    The begining was slow: dead rats thrown into wells, Crusades, burnt offerings at stake, etc.
    Napoleon Bonaparte was much more efficient in depopulation of the Goyim, – but again: he, and
    the later inspired by the “jews”/Khazars WW1 and WW2 were nod sufficient for resolving the Goyim problem…

    Today is 9.X.’15 – and Goyim are still alive, only because the “jews”/Khazars are not sure, if they will be able to rule the survivors of WW3 with their “iron rod”.

    Just now the “jews”/Khazars have everything for igniting the WW3 and keeping safe the “kernel”
    of the Earth Future Owners in tunnels ca. 80 metres under the Israel surface.

    We are live only so long, as they are afraid, that some Goyim survivors will wait for them…

  7. Pathetic…
    What they really have — “His blood be on us, and on our children.”.

    Yes, they damn sure have that. They got it & have raised hell about getting it ever since then. GOOD FOR THEM! SORRY BASTARDS!

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