4 thoughts on “WATCH – IDF Execute Palestinian Youth In Front Of Al Jazeera Camera”
  1. Being this was narrated in a language I don’t understand, I’m left to wonder why this young man was what looked to be in a state of Panic, before these IDF killers unloaded on him ?

  2. Apropos of no reason, why is it intercut with a innocuous elsewhere scene of people walking on a stone stairway, and then it goes back to the original scene, into which we suddenly see a young man hurled by IDF, and even before his body hits the ground, and afterwards, a fusillade of shots goes thru him ?
    What if the man was already freshly dead in a different location – perhaps detention, on account of straight out murder, and so they decided to stage an attempted escape from custody ?

  3. You tube and cameras are clearly anti-semitic and need to be placed under complete Jewish control.

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