Judaism, Zionism and the Toxic Effect of Apocalyptic Religious Delusions on World [email protected]
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He still believes the gas chamber theory though
Oyyyy. With the confusion already!
To use this is silly. He still stands by the mystical 6 million figure, he just says they weren’t all Jews. That is complete dis-information. There were not 6 million of any people killed in any type of hollowco$t. It is a fairy tale. There wasn’t a single person gassed by Germany. He is trying to cloud and confuse the hoax. The real story is there was no gas chambers, there was no hollowco$t, it is complete and total nonsense,
This is to hammer into their heads: to assimilate is to die TWICE– first by losing your connection to the Tribe and second, the Goyim will kill you anyway
He’s half right, which still makes him wrong. His thesis is: not every one of the six million Jews who were killed was pure enough to be a real Jew. It’s a silly argument; because Judaism is really a belief system. No “Jew” is “pure” enough now to meet the strict requirements of purity, not then and not now. No one. If you believe the Book of Esther, even Persians converted to Judaism (after the scores of them were killed). The idea of a genetically pure “Jew” is itself a fallacy. Even if you subscribe to the Khazarian theory, there were all kinds of mixing going on. Today, there are “Jews” in India, Japan, China. Racially, they are predominately goy, but, yeah, they have some “Jewish” genes. If you go back far enough, WE PROBABLY ALL HAVE SEMITIC ANCESTRY. This idea of magical DNA is another fable that humanity really has to get over it’s not going to suicide itself. I say this both to the Jew and the White Nationalist, who professes to be against Jewry but is in fact an assiduous adherent to its philosophy (chosenness through genes/genealogy). If you’re a Christian, it’s very clear. We are admonished to AVOID endless genealogies and have the understanding that we are all of one blood under Christ. This reliance of genes is itself a form of flesh worship (idolatry). I like a lot of what David Duke says, but he, too, falls into the error. If you call yourself a Christian and at the same time believe that you are somehow chosen because of your race, you’re not practicing a belief in Jesus, who died for all, you’re practicing some other religion that you’ve made up, just like the “religion” of Rabbinical Judaism. You can’t worship the flesh and worship God.
His comments are coming as a direct result of the haox it was, he’s partially admitting there was never 6 million murdered but 1 million, as some were not pure Jews. 8 incinerators that 12 hours to burn a corpse??? How could that possibly destroy 6 million Jews…
There has been a lot of theory and stories but no real truth ever told. The passage of time will dictate the truth…
Here Here NLG ……