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4 thoughts on “WATCH – The Jewish Mafia (in French with English Subtitles)”
  1. Shhhh… It’s a secret. Nothing to see here folks, look over there it’s a new sitcom on the drain-a-brain-a-vision. “Honey, let’s take the kids to see the new ‘Princess Overdoses on Heroine’ movie. It’s rated G.” “Sounds great, what was that story you were reading about the mafia?” “Oh, it was nothing, just more of that made up fantasy stuff about guns and money.” “Kids, let’s go.”

  2. thanks lasse, i wanted it on my kindle but i am not surprised that bezos does not allow it.
    the same truth that shall make us free, will damn him and his kind to perdition, so like all the jews, he pretends it doesn’t exist – hoping to whistle past the Judgment unspotted – easier said than done.
    but such is JEW’s fate, hedged on all the bets except the ultimate one.
    and he thinks he is so smart.

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