One thought on “We dream about drones, said 13-year-old Yemeni before his death in a CIA strike”
  1. I wish the Houthi could reach and support these gentle souls.
    May God allow them to unite as is the Lebanese resistance.
    Let the Wahhabi bin Abdul Aziz clan answer for an eye for an eye,
    in this world, and the next.
    Same as their Tel Aviv/Washington/K street, Downing St brethren
    must need answer.
    Yachts and hotels and prostitutes and gambling and weapons and
    every other Judaic debauchery for the Saudi royals is kosher?
    Yet another soul that labels your sins accurately must have his head
    displayed on a platter like the Baptist in the parlor.
    Most accurately this site has labeled you Yehudi Arabia.
    Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.
    In my understanding, in Islam, there are no other kings but God Himself.
    Their ‘royal’ names will not leave this world. Inshallah, their names will be
    cursed in this world as well.
    As for my ‘christian’ brethren, oh what a bother and problem you have been.
    The ‘Saudis’ are nothing more than a chunk in the road compared to your
    Just sayin’.

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