0 thoughts on “‘We will make soap out of you!': Violent right-wing protest against Jerusalem art exhibit reflects rising anti-democratic tide in Israel”
  1. Hmmm
    And Israelis never use women and children as human shields (of course they do numerous members of the IDF have been convicted in Israeli courts for doing precisely that-of course they didn’t actually receive much in the way of punishment…..)And Israelis never burn children alive….
    Wow actually yes they do. Israelis never crowd millions of mostly women and children into tightly packed slums and proceed, to poison, starve, bomb, kidnap, torture, deny basic food, clothing, shelter, medical care, sanitation, fresh water etc. Oh gee wiz the Israelis are doing right now as I type this. I WILL REPEAT THAT LAST BIT–ISRAEL IS COMMITTING GENOCIDE AS WE SPEAK AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE!
    What the Nazis did or did not do 60 years ago is hardly relevant in the context of the current ongoing war crimes, crimes against humanity, Apartheid, genocide and other atrocities being committed by Israel against women and children in Palestine, Gaza and Jerusalem right now. And whether true or not, THE BEHAVIOR OF THE NAZIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NOR GRANTS ANY LICENSE OR LENDS ANY JUSTIFICATION FOR THE HORRORS BEING COMMITTED BY ISRAEL RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

  2. What Jews do to the people of Palestine is what they have done,or demanded be done to EVERYONE,on this planet ! The Jews DEMANDED WW2,against Germany,and the AXIS,for defying their economic,and cultural power/exploitation….the Jews took on every,their greatest most modern creation: The Communist Revolution in Russia,led ,and funded by them. “Nazis”,have been put in the human mind as the beginning,and end,or pentultimate ,of ‘evil’,by JEWS. Because THEY took them on,and said: WE WILL FIGHT YOU BACK. SE:THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD- You Tube. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO-You TUBE. DAVID IRVING ACTION REPORT.COM..THE BAD WAR.COM (subscribeto that) It amazes me,how the Jews have so brainwashed people,that even they,or their opponants use ‘NAZI”,analogies,for everything.

  3. PUHLEEEZ! The illegal/immoral “state of Israel is an exponentially bigger “faux” democracy than the United Sewage of America. They are just “blessed” with more ignorant assholes (barely).

  4. Jews have always been genocidal psychopaths, but why are Israelis on the warpath more than ever? Why is today’s average Israeli so far to the right that he would make Ariel Sharon and Meir Kahane blush? Why does his fury increase each day?
    The reason is that he is frustrated, and he is too stupid to understand the cause. As I will explain below, neo-liberal policies (imposed by rich Israelis and their puppet politicians) are driving average Israelis into the dirt. And average Israelis are SO FUCKING STUPID that they blame all their woes on Iran, Palestinians, Obama, and the few “leftists” that remain in Ziostan.
    Let’s look closer…
    Neo-liberalism means mass privatization, tax cuts for the rich, tax increases for everyone else, the decriminalization of financial fraud, the enslavement of the masses with debt, and so on. Its sole purpose is to increase the gap between the rich and the rest, and it is now a global plague.
    The financial crash happened in 2008, and Netanyahu re-took power in early 2009, but the neo-liberal plague did not break out until the weekend of 26 and 27 June 2010, during the G20 summit in Toronto. There, David Cameron (who had become British Prime Minister one month before) loosed the virus of neo-liberalism and gratuitous austerity upon the planet. The politicians of every nation soon caught the virus, but Obama resisted it until mid-2011, when Obama started talking about “grand bargains” and other means of imposing neo-liberalism and austerity.
    Meanwhile Netanyahu had fully imposed neo-liberalism on the Israeli masses. In July 2011 the Israeli masses started marching in mass demonstrations (hundreds of thousands of Jews). All Israel became caught up in these demonstrations. Jews marched for what they called “social justice.” The Jews were too stupid to realize it, but what they actually opposed was neo-liberalism, which was impoverishing them, while boosting the fortunes of rich Israelis.
    The 2011 demonstrations continued for months. They were like the simultaneous “Occupy” protests in the USA, but much more energetic. The Israeli government’s response was to stage some false flag Palestinian “attacks,” and to ratchet up its lies about the Iranian “threat.”.
    Among other things, neo-liberalism causes speculation in housing, which drives up prices, making it too expensive for average people to live in urban centers. Average people must move out to the cheaper suburbs. This applies to Israel and everywhere else, and it is one reason why Israelis keep building new “settlements.” The cost of living in Tel Aviv is higher than in Paris or Milan, and wages in Israel tend to be low. So the Jews move out to “settlements” in desert outposts and mountain towns, using their rifles and pick-axes to vent their frustration on any Palestinians they see.
    Today because of neo-liberalism, average Israelis are so miserable that they dream of escaping from Palestine – but they will not admit this in public. They dream of moving to Germany, for example, which so loves Jews that Germany makes passports available to any Jews whose parents or grandparents were German. And indeed, Israelis have been moving to Germany in a steady stream since the fall of the USSR in 1991. Germany LOVES Jews.
    When I say that average Israelis are miserable I mean the cost of living is extremely high in Israel (again, because of neo-liberal policies imposed by rich Israelis through their puppet politicians). The cost of food, housing, clothing, cars, and so on is extremely high.
    On 6 Oct 2014 a 25-year-old ex-Israeli (now living in Berlin) wrote a post on his Facebook page.
    The post simply showed a photo of a shopping receipt for German groceries, and asked Israelis to compare what they would have spent on similar items in Israel. The shopping receipt was from an Aldi supermarket in Berlin’s Wedding district. It included everyday items like orange juice, eggs, bread, pasta and three cups of chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top. This is a popular dessert in Israel, and Israelis have nicknamed it “Milky.” For average Israelis, it has become a symbol of the high cost of living in Israel.
    All these grocery items in Israel cost four or five times what they do in Berlin.
    The ex-Israeli in Berlin was not taunting Israelis on his Facebook page. Rather, he wanted to encourage more Israelis to move to Germany.
    Since average Israelis are miserable (because of neo-liberalism imposed by the government) the Facebook page was like a bomb going off. It attracted more than a million Jewish visitors in less than four days. This is a nation of only eight million people.
    The title of the page is Olim Le Berlin in Hebrew. In Hebrew, “Olim Le Israel” means “Make Aliyah to Israel.” Thus, Olim Le Berlin tells Jews to instead make Aliyah to Berlin.
    As I said, the Facebook page caused an explosion. Average Israelis blasted it – because they knew it was all true. They envied the Jew living in Berlin.
    The Jewish blogger in Berlin (the ex-Israeli) wrote, “I’m part of a generation that does not see any future in Israel.”
    He noted (correctly) that it is no longer possible for average Jews to afford an apartment in Israel. He said he had decided to leave Israel when he was standing in a Tel Aviv grocery store one day, and he realized he could not afford chocolate pudding for his Jew-child.
    He said the Israeli obsession with imaginary future threats (from Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah, etc) prevented any public discussion of the present reality of living in Israel.
    Of course, most Jews in Israel do not have the money to leave. They are stuck. And so, in their envy and despair, they lashed out at the blogger, because they knew he spoke the truth. They used the standard “holocaust”™ garbage, asking, “Are the gas chambers in Berlin also cheaper than in Israel?” Or, “No matter how many Israelis flock to Germany, they’ll still have the crematoriums waiting for you.”
    Other Israelis in their envy and frustration tried to claim that the blogger was not even a Jew, since the grocery receipt on the Facebook page included a non-kosher mix of meat and dairy products. (However the products were in separate packets.)
    The Facebook page caused such despair and envy (because it was all true) that Israeli politicians blasted it, and reminded everyone of the “holocaust”™. Finance Minister Yair Lapid branded the Berlin blogger an “anti-Zionist” and a traitor for calling on Israelis to escape to “holocaust”™ Central. They called it an insult to all “holocaust™ survivors.”
    Because of this negativity, the blogger in Berlin remains anonymous. But as Israelis blasted him, they secretly sent him more than 10,000 requests for assistance in moving to Berlin. Thousands of Jews sent him their resumes, and begged for any help he could give them in finding work in Germany. One message said, “Please help us escape the impossible high cost of living that our government has created. We have no future here. We will do anything for a temporary working visa in your conditions.”
    Note… “the impossible high cost of living THAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS CREATED.”
    Very true.
    The original Zionists had envisioned a socialist Israel with all Jews living on “kibbutzim” (socialist communes). That’s how most Jews lived in Palestine before WW II. But after the war, Israel quickly became a plutocracy like most other nations. And so now the “shitty little state” becomes shittier every day.
    The Berlin blogger says, “I am not an anti-Zionist. My generation suffers from politicians who for twenty years have made life in Israel more difficult. Israel has the highest poverty rate among the members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the club of wealthy democracies. We have waited years for our politicians to do something, but nothing has changed. Netanyahu always talks about the mythical threat posed by Iran and phantom rockets, but Netanyahu never says anything about the high costs of living. I can’t see a future for myself in Israel. My parents have worked their entire lives, and they still can’t afford an apartment. Grandmothers don’t turn up the heating during the winter, because electricity has become so expensive.”
    Neo-liberalism means lower taxes on the rich, and higher taxes on the rest. Israel is no exception to this. Incomes taxes, import taxes, excise taxes – they all make prices so high that Jews moving to Israel bring products with them, like electronic goods.
    It’s all gratuitous, i.e. designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
    Restaurants in Israel are very expensive. So is meat in the supermarket. Bars are EXTREMELY expensive. So is owning a car. In fact, cars have a 90 percent tax on the sale price. (Most Jews use trains, buses, and taxis to get around Palestine.)
    A two-bedroom apartment in a city center rents for $1,327 per month. Farther out, it rents for $1,062 per month. A dozen eggs cost $3.72. A pack of cigarettes cost $8.00. A local bottle of beer costs $2.65. Gasoline costs $2.12 per liter ($8.02 per gallon). Bathroom fixtures and electrical appliances are so expensive that no one buys a new appliance when it breaks. Instead, they fix the appliance, and pass it down to their kids and grandkids.
    (On the plus side, health care and a college education is cheap in Israel. Over-the-counter medications are more expensive in Israel, but prescription drugs are less expensive than in the USA. So if you have a headache in Israel, you go to a doctor and get him to prescribe you aspirin.)
    Because of all this, average Israelis hate and envy the USA. They think that Americans sit around all day drinking coffee and making jokes. The average Israeli’s vision of American life comes from watching American TV series like “Friends” and “Seinfeld.”
    If you visit Israel, and you avoid all discussion of Palestinians, the average Jew will endlessly complain to you about the high cost of living. He will steer every conversation to this subject, so that he can keep bitching about it NON-STOP. He does not hear you. He does not see you. He regards you as an entity he can whine to.
    My point is that average Israelis are as FUCKING STUPID as are average people everywhere else. They whine about the high cost of living in Israel, and they vaguely know that politicians cause it, but they are too stupid to see the obvious mechanisms in front of their Jew noses. And why should they, when they can blame everything on Palestinians and Iran and Hezbollah, and “global anti-Semitism”?
    Israel is a smaller than most US states, even when the occupied territories are include. Thus, the Jews are in a tiny pressure cooker that they help sustain with their hate, their arrogance, and their STUPIDITY. Combine this with the congenital psychosis shared by all Ashkenazi Jews worldwide, and the result is endless attacks on Palestinians.
    Israelis are insane, and their madness is worsened by the neo-liberalism imposed by politicians at the behest of Israeli oligarchs. They vent their frustrations on Palestinians, and on any Israeli Jew they think is not suffering enough. Meanwhile they give rich Israelis a free pass. It’s all the Palestinians’ fault. Or Obama’s fault. Or Iran’s fault. Whatever.
    And as politicians impose neo-liberal policies (in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest) they distract the Israeli masses by feeding their hate. Examples include the growing Jewish threats against the Al-Aqsa mosque. This is necessary to keep average Israelis hating Palestinians, rather than hating the rich Israelis who enslave the average ones.
    In the USA, the “war on terror” serves the same purpose. No, you cannot have a decent job or a decent house, since all resources must be devoted to fighting the endless “war on terror.” It’s about “national security” and “protecting our freedoms.”

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