ed note– Before reading we’ll offer our own caveat emptor in that this is typical Judaic meandering and wandering verbosity that will test the reader’s patience and whose ‘point’ must be parsed before getting to the real ‘meat’ of the matter.
Nevertheless, we’ll boil down ahead of time both the meaning and significance of the piece and the ‘nuggets’ to be found in it.
1. Indeed, as our unesteemed Rebbe makes kristol clear in the very first words of his essay, it is the Bible (in this case, the Torah and specifically the book of Deuteronomy) which COMMANDS the utter extermination of those whose religious practices the Jews don’t like and who are referred to disparagingly as ‘idolaters’.
This is important for several reasons, to wit–
A. The reader will encounter about halfway through the Rebbe’s piece his focusing on Wahhabi Islam and of its backwards and barbaric practice of ‘forced conversion by the sword’ of those who do not submit to Islam, and yet, he BEGINS his piece justifying the Judaic commandment found in the Torah to slay ENTIRE CITIES of those whom Jews refer to as ‘idolaters’, not a case of ‘jihad’, but rather ‘ju-had’.
Dos our unesteemed Hebraic writer recognize the obvious hypocrisy and double standards?
Perish the thought, dear Gentile readers. This–an honest examination of the obvious flaws inherent in the body of beliefs and teachings found within the ‘Laws of Moses’–is simply not something that takes place and which explains in large part why Jews as a body are able to so easily switch from one position to its exact opposite when the situation (of winning) demands.
The next reason why this issue of destroying entire cities of ‘idolaters’ is so important is due to the manner by which this teaching found in the Torah (Deuteronomy) can be (and indeed is) applied in a generalized way in wiping out entire civilizations of those whose religion, culture, traditions, political systems, etc, represent ‘competition’ to Judaism and to its overarching, code-written program of world conquest. In the micro sense, our unesteemed Rebbe’s thesis is obviously being used to justify the recent mass murder of innocents in Gaza by the feral dogs of the IDF, but in a macro sense it also explains why/how organized Jewish interests use this teaching to foment world wars–past present and future–the main victims of which were/are/will be Christians whom Jews consider to be the ULTIMATE ‘idolaters’ for their characterization of Jesus Christ as ‘God’. And not only the overt wars featuring bombs and bullets, but the cultural wars as well, where civilizations are rotted out from within through the use of depleted J-uranium, i.e. the various social diseases promoted through Judaic control of the mass media and the myriad of leftist groups run by Judea Inc pushing/normalizing/institutionalizing evils such as abortion on demand, pornography, uninhibited sexual behavior, gay marriage, drugs, promotion of violence, etc.
Also note–in the words of the Rebbe himself, in quoting that section of Deuteronomy dealing with slaying entire cities of idolaters, the rewards that come to those who do it–
‘The Lord shall be compassionate towards you, and shall cause you to profit, just as he has sworn to your forbearers…’