The questions raised in this article are pertinent, but who will heed and yes the think tank warriors are war mongers who do not adequately take account unintended consequences or their fault thought processes.
Prophet Muhammad predicted that the battle of Armageddon will take place when Saudi Arabia today will be corrupted, which in fact it is already:
Narrated Mu’adh ibn Jabal: “The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (old name for Madina) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war (i.e., the battle of Armageddon) will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh ibn Jabal). (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim), Book 37, Number 4281)”
I simply ask the question: What is the objective of the USA’s arming Kiev? Deadlier armament isn’t going to stop the people from wanting independence, unless the opposition is slaughtered, like Gazans. The truth, as I see it, is that the US objective, anyway you speculate, is pure fantasy that will only result in more dead, and possibly nuclear conflagration. So: Stop. Don’t arm. It’s not winnable. Leave the Ukraine, America. But America can’t because the Zios are running the show. America is using Kiev as a proxy, but the USA is Tel Aviv’s proxy. The Jewish State wants its Jews-only hegemony to expand, and this means Assad ” must go,” and Putin protects Syria, which is why the Zios wanted to castrate Russia of its Black Sea port, to stop Russian naval power from entering the ME. The Jewish State WANTS Russia & the USA to knock each other out, so that it emerge as THE ruling state, sitting next to all the oil, armed with nukes. When that happens, the Jewish State will finally be able to “get rid of” every last Palestinian, and seize whatever it wants, uncontested, unfettered. And they’ll be using gold as their currency. Just watch. Sheikh Imran Hossein is right.
The meeting with putin tomorrow will probably go something like this…
Merkel: Alright putin ,here’s the deal. You can have east Ukraine and your economy back if you leave syria and greece alone.
Francios: and we will also cut you in on the pipeline.
Putin: I not make deal with devil.
Long ago,when I began unraveling the lies about WW1,and WW2’s origins,I was told by some,who even supported me:”Does it really matter?” “Is it relevant today”. The Vietnam War,Iraq War 1,Iraq 2,and all of the other Globalist/International Jew horrors we are caught in, proved it does. But these are mere appetizers to what the Jews,and thir idolizers have in store: RUSSIA ! New Democrat:”Conservative”,Hilliary Clintons;”just like Hitler:label,along with Rothschilds FOX ,sophomoric WW2 analogies, are correct-but in an inverted Talmudic Way. Putin was handed,like Hitler,a crises by the West,as a pretext for their enternal downfall,or war. East Crimea voted like the City Of Danzig,in 1939,to RETURN to Germany. 6.000 etnic Germans where butchered in Poland,and 1.2 million,Germans ethnics fled across the Reichs frontiers. The world British Empire/French REFUSED Germany’s requests to mediate. The Polish Military Junta;total fools ,emboldend by the Wests War promises defied all attempts at a peaceful solution,offers of aide,roads,and even alliance,by Germany ! “ONTO BERLIN “, They insanely said ! The Wests press,went wild in an orgy of attacks on Hitlers person,to discredit him: “Madman”,”Monster”(like Putin) and other rubbish which continues today. Hitler entered Poland:”We are now shooting back”… The British Emmisary Antony Eden said privately:” The Germans are right”. September 3,1939,England and France Declared war ,with being attacked or threatened. A date the German leadership recalled with sadness,and horror until 1945. 50 million dead;ALL OVER THAT ! YES! THE INTERNATIONAL JEWS NEEDED A PRETEXT FOR WAR . As Amabassador Kennedy said:” THEY WON IT”. (The Jews) The question is “can Putin maintain restraint? Can he afford too? How long can he standthe pressure? The West will not back down,in any way. They want him gone,one way,or the other. I assure you,the Jews and their stooges running policy are madmen/women. The LIES about WW2, could finally END US ALL ! We must all have the courage to DEBUNK the analogies,and defy the Jews without fear,or we have no future. SEE: THE UNNECSSARY WAR: Pat Buchanan. HUMAN SMOKE : Baker. THE NEW DEALERS WAR: Fleming. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD: You Tube. THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS -Leon Degrele You Tube. CHURCHILLS WAR : David Irving Action Report.Com.
“With the defeat of the Reich and pending the emergence of the Asiatic, the African and, perhaps, the South American nationalisms, there will remain in the world only two Great Powers capable of confronting each other—the United States and Soviet Russia. The laws of both history and geography will compel these two Powers to a trial of strength, either military or in the fields of economics and ideology.” – Adolf Hitler (2nd April 1945)
Right, same provocative policies used against NS Germany, nothing really new here. Ukraine is just a tool as Poland was, using ethnic minorities on the other side of the border for instigations, but were Germany was finally fed that attempts at negotiation where ignored and went ahead militarily, Russia seems to be hypnotized gazing into the eyes of the snake, even helping upholding the hollowcause and the ‘great patriotic war’ myth wont help them now. To untie the historical knots would help to open the eyes of the public but the world-enemy has successfully morphed authentic NS into something ugly in the eyes of the people turning away potential anti-Zionists who, rightly so, are uncomfortable with far-right racism. But even so seemingly the chosenites are becoming nervous as they moving towards ever more restrictions on free speech trying to insist on their tremendous historical lies. The war criminals Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin (all crypto jews) have disappeared from the consciousness of men where as AH is becoming to be recognized as ‘the good guy’. Interestingly he said that he is NOT the one but only is preparing the ground, in the most basic way, for the ‘one to come’..It seems the Forces of Light are shacking up the minion of the demiurge for the final battle.
The indulgence to add.I meant to say;” Without being threatened or attacked “. What wonderful posts,by Chris,and Ostmann. I am not a racist;respecting all people,of good will. The Jews have distorted the best antedote against them ;National Socialism,which has,and can liberate all people-of respective races,and nations.Their lies, draw trash to it,and keeps good people away….with time,this seems to be changing. The Jews are the racists,and not true NS,which affirms the positive differences,in all cultures,and peoples,seeking preservation,and greateness,against mindless,Orwellian ,International Judiasm. See;BLACK NAZZIS- you tube.
The questions raised in this article are pertinent, but who will heed and yes the think tank warriors are war mongers who do not adequately take account unintended consequences or their fault thought processes.
Prophet Muhammad predicted that the battle of Armageddon will take place when Saudi Arabia today will be corrupted, which in fact it is already:
Narrated Mu’adh ibn Jabal: “The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (old name for Madina) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war (i.e., the battle of Armageddon) will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh ibn Jabal). (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim), Book 37, Number 4281)”
I simply ask the question: What is the objective of the USA’s arming Kiev? Deadlier armament isn’t going to stop the people from wanting independence, unless the opposition is slaughtered, like Gazans. The truth, as I see it, is that the US objective, anyway you speculate, is pure fantasy that will only result in more dead, and possibly nuclear conflagration. So: Stop. Don’t arm. It’s not winnable. Leave the Ukraine, America. But America can’t because the Zios are running the show. America is using Kiev as a proxy, but the USA is Tel Aviv’s proxy. The Jewish State wants its Jews-only hegemony to expand, and this means Assad ” must go,” and Putin protects Syria, which is why the Zios wanted to castrate Russia of its Black Sea port, to stop Russian naval power from entering the ME. The Jewish State WANTS Russia & the USA to knock each other out, so that it emerge as THE ruling state, sitting next to all the oil, armed with nukes. When that happens, the Jewish State will finally be able to “get rid of” every last Palestinian, and seize whatever it wants, uncontested, unfettered. And they’ll be using gold as their currency. Just watch. Sheikh Imran Hossein is right.
The meeting with putin tomorrow will probably go something like this…
Merkel: Alright putin ,here’s the deal. You can have east Ukraine and your economy back if you leave syria and greece alone.
Francios: and we will also cut you in on the pipeline.
Putin: I not make deal with devil.
Long ago,when I began unraveling the lies about WW1,and WW2’s origins,I was told by some,who even supported me:”Does it really matter?” “Is it relevant today”. The Vietnam War,Iraq War 1,Iraq 2,and all of the other Globalist/International Jew horrors we are caught in, proved it does. But these are mere appetizers to what the Jews,and thir idolizers have in store: RUSSIA ! New Democrat:”Conservative”,Hilliary Clintons;”just like Hitler:label,along with Rothschilds FOX ,sophomoric WW2 analogies, are correct-but in an inverted Talmudic Way. Putin was handed,like Hitler,a crises by the West,as a pretext for their enternal downfall,or war. East Crimea voted like the City Of Danzig,in 1939,to RETURN to Germany. 6.000 etnic Germans where butchered in Poland,and 1.2 million,Germans ethnics fled across the Reichs frontiers. The world British Empire/French REFUSED Germany’s requests to mediate. The Polish Military Junta;total fools ,emboldend by the Wests War promises defied all attempts at a peaceful solution,offers of aide,roads,and even alliance,by Germany ! “ONTO BERLIN “, They insanely said ! The Wests press,went wild in an orgy of attacks on Hitlers person,to discredit him: “Madman”,”Monster”(like Putin) and other rubbish which continues today. Hitler entered Poland:”We are now shooting back”… The British Emmisary Antony Eden said privately:” The Germans are right”. September 3,1939,England and France Declared war ,with being attacked or threatened. A date the German leadership recalled with sadness,and horror until 1945. 50 million dead;ALL OVER THAT ! YES! THE INTERNATIONAL JEWS NEEDED A PRETEXT FOR WAR . As Amabassador Kennedy said:” THEY WON IT”. (The Jews) The question is “can Putin maintain restraint? Can he afford too? How long can he standthe pressure? The West will not back down,in any way. They want him gone,one way,or the other. I assure you,the Jews and their stooges running policy are madmen/women. The LIES about WW2, could finally END US ALL ! We must all have the courage to DEBUNK the analogies,and defy the Jews without fear,or we have no future. SEE: THE UNNECSSARY WAR: Pat Buchanan. HUMAN SMOKE : Baker. THE NEW DEALERS WAR: Fleming. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD: You Tube. THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS -Leon Degrele You Tube. CHURCHILLS WAR : David Irving Action Report.Com.
“With the defeat of the Reich and pending the emergence of the Asiatic, the African and, perhaps, the South American nationalisms, there will remain in the world only two Great Powers capable of confronting each other—the United States and Soviet Russia. The laws of both history and geography will compel these two Powers to a trial of strength, either military or in the fields of economics and ideology.” – Adolf Hitler (2nd April 1945)
Right, same provocative policies used against NS Germany, nothing really new here. Ukraine is just a tool as Poland was, using ethnic minorities on the other side of the border for instigations, but were Germany was finally fed that attempts at negotiation where ignored and went ahead militarily, Russia seems to be hypnotized gazing into the eyes of the snake, even helping upholding the hollowcause and the ‘great patriotic war’ myth wont help them now. To untie the historical knots would help to open the eyes of the public but the world-enemy has successfully morphed authentic NS into something ugly in the eyes of the people turning away potential anti-Zionists who, rightly so, are uncomfortable with far-right racism. But even so seemingly the chosenites are becoming nervous as they moving towards ever more restrictions on free speech trying to insist on their tremendous historical lies. The war criminals Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin (all crypto jews) have disappeared from the consciousness of men where as AH is becoming to be recognized as ‘the good guy’. Interestingly he said that he is NOT the one but only is preparing the ground, in the most basic way, for the ‘one to come’..It seems the Forces of Light are shacking up the minion of the demiurge for the final battle.
The indulgence to add.I meant to say;” Without being threatened or attacked “. What wonderful posts,by Chris,and Ostmann. I am not a racist;respecting all people,of good will. The Jews have distorted the best antedote against them ;National Socialism,which has,and can liberate all people-of respective races,and nations.Their lies, draw trash to it,and keeps good people away….with time,this seems to be changing. The Jews are the racists,and not true NS,which affirms the positive differences,in all cultures,and peoples,seeking preservation,and greateness,against mindless,Orwellian ,International Judiasm. See;BLACK NAZZIS- you tube.