ed note–again, not that it SHOULD (please note that word) need any reminding, but Jewish interests do not deploy/employ the ‘H’ bomb–meaning comparing someone to Hitler–against those deemed ‘FOZ’, or ‘friends of Zion’. They only deploy this weapon of character assassination against those whom they have decreed must be destroyed for the threat they pose to Jewish interests and, no, it is not all ‘just an act’ and just a manifestation of theatrics and ‘jrama’ when they do it.
where does one start to dissect this steaming pile in order to demonstrate that it is pure talmudic excrement.
JEW hates and fears trump precisely because of the latter’s penchant for speaking the truth for inching ever closer to the third rail of kikedom, the esoteric lies of holocaust and its offspring, the 9/11 and moreover is keenly aware of coordination between various national fuhrers aiming to swing the wrecking ball at the difice of the synagogue of satan in order to liberate their long-suffering nations, putin, dutarte, assad and others, a growing club.
tell me why would a kol nidre singer, a worshiper of lie and genocide fear anything other than the truth, like a vampire pretending to fear the slimy basement darkness of his daytime coffin.
yeah, trust “Timothy Egan of The New York Times” to shine the path to the truth, NYT is the paragon of unalloyed veracity, the paper of record to whom mendacity, fabrication and manipulation is utterly foreign.
only a year ago, they were all screaming about how trump brought america to the edge of nuclear destruction through belligerence vs. kim, but i am sure that just like the more awake among us, jews knew perfectly what his game was but couldn’t say it aloud, so that now, almost 70 years after the korean war, this deadly flashpoint has been annulled, the peninsula edges toward reunification – AND JEW HATES IT, because he hates any removal of war threat and bloodshed, his infernal sustenance.
“The only uncertainty is whether America’s democracy will survive if Americans will allow him to serve out his current term.”
The U.S.A. doesn’t have democracy; it has rule by judges, also known as ‘Judaism’.
“Henry Siegman is President Emeritus of the U.S./Middle East Project and a past senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He formerly headed the American Jewish Congress and the Synagogue Council of America.”
The unesteemed Hebraic author is a CFR member. THAT is the REAL Shadow Government which gives the Deep State its marching orders.