ed note–as usual, in Judea, Inc’s application of the infamous ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ protocol, it is as much what is not said that functions as the fulcrum around which the deception revolves as it is the deliberate lies that make their way into the conversational bloodstream.
In this case, the ‘campaign to quash Judaism’ on the part of Antiochus Epiphanes needs to be seen not as the prime mover of this event, but rather–as has been the case throughout history–the inevitable political reaction to what followed the initial action.
The Jews–in their typical Judeo-centric myopia–would have everyone believe that it was the ‘intolerance’ on the part of the ‘anti-Shemitic Greeks’ that led Antiochus IV to begin this process of ‘de-Judification’, but–just as it is in all cases where ‘Anti-Shemitism’ is alleged by Jewish interests–there is the other side of all of this that is deliberately not-disclosed or discussed.
The more relaxed and enlightened Hellenic culture brought to the Levant by Alexander the Great was the equivalent of a blast of cool, refreshing air coming into STARK contrast/conflict with the searing and suffocating air brought by a Judaic culture built along the 613 ‘laws of Moses’ (some of which included stoning people to death for picking up sticks on the sabbath to build a fire to warm their homes or cook their food) and with all the predictable results following cold and hot air coming into contact with each other–turbulence and tornado. Many Jews embraced the cool and refreshing air of this newly-arrived Hellenic culture while the ‘die-hards’ insisted on living in that mental/spiritual prison that Moses (as well as all the Hebrew ‘prophets’ who preceded him) had built for them.
And–since after all Judah-ism is anything but a ‘live and let live’ paradigm–in reaction to those large numbers of Jews abandoning their shackles and their prison cells for the opportunity of living a life of freedom in the manner in which the creator intended, the ‘die-hards’ went and did what ‘die-hards’ are constitutionally inclined to do–hunt down and murder those who disagree with them, en masse.
The political/social unrest and upheaval created by this resulted in the Hellenic government at that time doing what governments always do when disorder and chaos arise–clamping down on the hotheads and insurrectionists in the interests of restoring peace, commerce, law, and order.
And thus was born the ‘Maccabean revolt’, which became not only the prototype for the revolt that the Jews would later wage against Rome a few centuries later, but as well, the template for creating the modern-day terrorist organization today known as ISIS.
Not by mere coincidence, the preferred method of capital punishment on the part of the Maccabees towards Jewish apostates and ‘infidels’ was beheading, exactly as made famous in the various videos showing an ISIS warrior engaging in head-chopping a prostrate victim.
Of the more memorable beheadings celebrated by the Jews at this time of year was that of the Syrian general Holofernes by Judith, who–much like her ‘soul sistas’ Sarah, Esther, Monica Lewinsky, etc–used that biological magic located between her legs in maneuvering the Syrian general into the correct ‘position’ she needed so that she could do that particular voodoo that ‘they’ do so well–murder him in the same manner as historically takes place against those political leaders who frustrate the aims of Judea.
THIS–and not all the fluff about lights, gifts, latkes and good cheer–is what the world needs to know about Hanukkah, and–more importantly–the manner by which all of this plays a central role in what organized Jewish interests are attempting to accomplish today vis their control over the money, media, and politics of the world–the final elimination of the Greco-Roman basis for Western Civilization which Judah-ism considers heretical and blasphemous, to be replaced by Pax Judaica as laid out specifically within the pages of the Torah.
My Jewish Learning dot com
n 168 BCE, the ruler of the Syrian kingdom, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, stepped up his campaign to quash Judaism, so that all subjects in his vast empire — which included the Land of Israel — would share the same culture and worship the same gods.
He marched into Jerusalem, vandalized the Temple, erected an idol on the altar, and desecrated its holiness with the blood of swine. Decreeing that studying Torah, observing the Sabbath, and circumcising Jewish boys were crimes punishable by death, he sent Syrian overseers and soldiers to villages throughout Judea to enforce the edicts and force Jews to engage in idol worship.
When the Syrian soldiers reached Modin (about 12 miles northwest of the capital), they demanded that the local leader, Mattathias the Kohein (a member of the priestly class), be an example to his people by sacrificing a pig on a portable pagan altar. The elder refused and killed not only the Jew who stepped forward to do the Syrian’s bidding, but also the king’s representative.
With the rallying cry “Whoever is for God, follow me!” Mattathias and his five sons (Jonathan, Simon, Judah, Eleazar, and Yohanan) fled to the hills and caves of the wooded Judean wilderness.
Joined by a ragtag army of others like them, simple farmers dedicated to the laws of Moses, armed only with spears, bows and arrows, and rocks from the terrain, the Maccabees, as Mattathias’ sons, particularly Judah, came to be known, fought a guerrilla war against the well-trained, well-equipped, seemingly-endless forces of the mercenary Syrian army.
In three years, the Maccabees cleared the way back to the Temple Mount, which they reclaimed. They cleaned the Temple and dismantled the defiled altar and constructed a new one in its place. Three years to the day after Antiochus’ mad rampage the Maccabees held a dedication (hanukkah) of the Temple with proper sacrifice, rekindling of the golden menorah, and eight days of celebration and praise to God. [Proper] Jewish worship had been reestablished.
Perhaps the most famous part of the story is what happened next: a tiny jar of oil kept the candles burning for the full eight days. However, this detail does not appear in any Jewish texts until 600 years later in the Talmud, mentioned in a larger discussion of why Hanukkah observance is so important.
Excellent commentary. This should be a must read.
… you forgot another murdering yenta/jew princess operating on “by way of sleaze you shall wage war” (against gentiles, of course, who else).
Ehud Barak, now post-menopausal.