TIMES OF ISRAEL – Jews were “undesirable.” They were “of low physical and mental standards.” They were “filthy.” They were “often dangerous in their habits.” They were “un-American.”
So read a report submitted to the House Committee on Immigration in 1924, written by the director of the United Stated Consular Service and approved by the secretary of state.
The jews have proven time and time again that they are not just a racist satanic mentally deranged cult, but most of all – they are deadly – a deadly force, like a cancer, that won’t go away without treatment.
i see nothing wrong with the above statement and because nothing has changed since it was made, it will be equally true if each instance of “WERE” is replaced by “ARE”.
Jews were “undesirable.” They were “of low physical and mental standards.” They were “filthy.” They were “often dangerous in their habits.” They were “un-American.”
Still are
Lets face it, many countries in Africa and South America are s***holes ,and one of the reasons Trump was elected was that he could see the USA going the same way,i mean look at Mexico, gated communities for the middle and upper income scale people with private armies and police to protect them,and lets face it ,the mestizos and native indians who are the ones who live like sh*t,Mexico is a far more racist society than the US,Iberian/German white elites couldn’t give a sh*t about the rest of the mixed race and Indian citizens of the country, and there are others like that in S America, they aren’t qualified to attack the current US president when it comes to racism
As per usual, the pot is calling the kettle black. Jews are the most exclusionary bunch of creeps ever to crawl on the earth and they have the cojones to pretend and want to dictate that Americans (read Christians) don’t have the right to decide who comes into their country. Well, not only do they state that now, they’ve stated it since the beginning by being the main slave traders, slave ship owners, and slave holders since Plymouth Rock got landed on. And the Jews were the ones who pushed through the 1965 immigration laws which Jacob Javits said was to “open the floodgates” to this country. As far as I’m concerned, they can suck an egg.