28-page chapter containing information on hijackers may shed light on possible Saudi connections
ed note–several things to say about this–
1. Newsflash to the Saudis and those other prostitutes who foolishly think that you can get into bed with the Devil and that somehow he will show you mercy or even favoritism after you pleasure him and service his needs–he won’t. You are better off dying with dignity and fighting with every last breath you have than in cooperating with your aggressor, only to have him throw you into the furnace after you have outlived your usefullness to him.
2. What all of this business with the ’28 pages’ of the 9/11 Commission report indicates is that indeed–as he has hinted–Trump plans on ripping this thing wide open and exposing the true perps of this act of mass murder and therefore the powers-that-be are busy at work impregnating the American mind beforehand that it was a ‘Saudi’ operation aimed at mitigating the outrage that is sure to erupt when the news comes blasting out that it was actually an Israeli one.
No, Israel WILLNOT prevail. Nevermore.
Are these the hijackers that partied with alcohol and hookers the night before they were going to meet Allah, learned to fly better than fighter pilots on a PC simulator, flew the boeings into the buildings, threw their passport from the building after crashing the planes, dropped the buildings (3 for 2) with aviation fuel and then retired to Egypt, or are these some other hijackers?
Well planned, WAY in advance. A ‘fail-safe’ mechanism, if you will……
Forgive me TUT
“’28 pages’ of the 9/11 Commission report”
Well its not from this mentioned report and its very important to get the facts straight – i will let Ryan Dawson explain;
Some of the reports are so bad that they think its 28 pages of the 911 commission report. it isn’t. It’s from the JIS report done in 2002. they don’t even have the basics right. They just heard the word Saudi Arabia (a country you are allowed to talk about) and were sold.
also watch this;
Misinformation about the 28 pages – Get your story straight. Step 1 learn from what already know.
The facts are very very important – don’t fall for the Jew media’s misinformation as it muddies the water and that’s what they are up to.
Its rather like that crap article about Ashkenazim are Turks but when you read a little its implied they are actually Greeks and Iranians and finally when you get to the “Nuts and Bolts” of the original article its actually Iranian and Greek Jews …….. so they were Jews all along!
Mark i hope your right about Trump plans on ripping this thing wide open and exposing the true perps
Whether I read it from somewhere or heard it form someone, I am not sure ; However, the story is this:
There was a man who was watching on TV what happened on 911—the burning and collapsing of towers — with other people. He was also listening to what the reporters said about some of the alleged hijacker’s passports and a suicide note found on street nearby, intact. Then after some thought, he said, “from now on all engineers must build high rise buildings with this passport papers instead of steel and concrete.”
Trump is another liar. He is a Zionist boy, loves Israel and adore Satanyahu. He hates the Palestinians and the oppressed He will never uncover the truth about 9/11. People still don’t get it. All this Election Jazz is just a circus. The NWO bosses, the House of the Rothschild’s, Satanyahu, and his acolytes in Washington already know which one of these impostors is going to get the White House. All of them are a group of deceivers like Obama and one of them is going to be our next detractor.
ed note–I (we) beg to differ Isaac. Trump may say nice things about Israel and Satanyahu, but this does not mean he is on board with the Judaic paradigm, as evidenced by Jewry’s obvious wholesale panic over his candidacy. I understand peoples’ skepticism–we’ve earned the right to be skeptical–and I understand as well the inclination to assume that once again the charade is being employed, but at the same time, we also have to realize that the things we say matter on a bigger scale and therefore must be careful that we don’t do anything to assist the enemy in what it is trying to do. In situations such as this, I am reminded of the story in the gospel of Jesus approaching Peter and the other fishermen in the boat and telling them to cast their nets over a certain side, and Peter responding that they had been out all night and caught nothing, but that he would do it anyway, and once he did, the nets were so full of fish that they were about to break and the boat about to sink.