National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster says the US president will demonstrate his hopes for ‘a just and lasting peace’
ed note–‘Palestinian self-determination’ is a fancy way of saying ‘Palestinian State’, and no, it’s not ‘an act’, as so many ‘experts’ in this movement will undoubtedly claim, given that they have now invested themselves whole-hog in the ‘Trump is owned by the Jews’ meme and can’t (won’t) divest themselves from it and even in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence.
As we have been counseling here now for over a year, there is a different paradigm in operation here with Trump and therefore anyone fancying him/herself as some sort of analyst on events such as these needs to upgrade their operating system if they truly desire to understand the truth and possess the ability to pass that truth on to others.
Do we like that the ‘peace deal’ Trump is proposing will legitimize 60+ years of genocide, oppression, and everything in between, while leaving the Palestinians with a mere small portion of what was theirs?
No, of course not, but the alternative–watching as this genocide continues until the last remaining Palestinian has been killed or driven out is even more unacceptable.
Besides, it is at least a starting point from which bigger ‘adjustments’ can begin to proceed. In addition to this, what must be considered is the fact that if indeed a ‘peace deal’ is achieved that it will signal the end of the entire ‘Jewish state’ experiment, given the fact that taking conflict away from Israel is the equivalent of taking a shark out of the water it needs in order to exist, which perhaps is/has been the plan from the beginning–to see the Jewish state erased through the process of asphyxiation before it destroys the entire planet.
The Palestinians need to acknowledge that the state of Israel unfortunately is there and not leaving. Israel should be made to acknowledge a Palestinian state. The new Palestinian state should then receive aid from all the countries in the world
The borders of the new independent Palestinian State should be along those borders which existed before the 1967 war. The Israel settlers in the West bank can choose to either continue to live where they are as Palestinian citizens, or move back to Israel. All the Israel created structures in the West Bank (including buildings) should be left intact — not destroyed as Sharon did when Israelis left Gaza.
ed note–agreed, not only is it the welcome scenario, it is the preferred one.
But keep in mind the tightrope that Trump & co are walking in dealing with a group of nuclear armed nutcases who are beyond reason, much less inimical to doing what is right and fair.
Again, I am not endorsing what Trump is trying to achieve, only offering my explanation as to what I think is going on.
Very exciting times. Not a peep of this in the JMSM.
The biggest losers are those trapped on the Gaza Strip. What of them? Hamas cannot be trusted to care for these Palestinians; they should not be even further removed from international society.
The rift between Hamas and the PA, which is long and dirty, seems to be intensifying and of course Abbas will do what he can for the West Bank.