Official who said Jews’ holiest prayer site is not part of Israel does ‘not represent the position of US and certainly not of president’
ed note–if indeed this has taken place, then what it means is that whoever uttered it is either an idiot or a deliberate plant. If there was one thing representing the ‘LAUNCH’ button on a Judaic thermonuclear reaction just prior to Trump’s historic visit, this was it. Coupled with the latest barking from the JMSM over Trump passing along ‘classified information to the Russkies’, there was/is no better mechanism for breaking his legs prior to his visit to Israel in trying to get a peace deal arranged.
Hmmmmm. My emotional takeaway from this report involves a question: Are “Jason Greenblatt” and “Jonathan Greenblatt” related by other than tribal affiliation?
They share the same bar of soap