Ed-note (Sabba) The “containment” of Russia is nothing new. It has always been on Britain’s foreign policy agenda since the XVIIIth Century – policy which she passed on to her daughter, America. A mean to contain Russia is to prevent, at any cost, an alliance between Russia and Germany, a marriage between Mother Russia with the Vaterland. This judaic Anglo-Saxon’s obsession with Russia helps shed more light on the 2 World Wars which mainly decimated Russians and Germans. As Mackinder put it: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island controls the world.”
This article is excellent,and the initiated will be able to see the deep outlines of Russian Nationalist thinking in this …a revival which is healthy, as it is good.
An ‘” Imperium”, of Europe is what the International Jews running first Britain, then the USA are what they have always feared.
Japan joining is a nightmare to them.
The USA,free and sovereign during the 19 th Century stayed out of this.
The International Jews did all they could to tear up the Declaration Of Independence,
and tie the USA with Britain world Jew Empire again; forcing its weight into world affairs .
Frederick the Great, Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm , Adolf Hitler, and even post war West German Chancellor Konrad Adenour understood the importance of the East.
Bismarck had the ” Three Emporers League” ,which brought in Czar Alexander’s Russia.
The former was hated ,and murdered by the International Jews.
Wilhelm’s attempt at German- Russo ,Alliances failed to to the ignorance of Czar Nicholas, who fatefully ,and fately preferred the lies of the Jews in London,and Paris…a problem Slavs often seem to have .
Hitler attempted Ostpolitk ,and his ministers wanted this. Goring ,Rosenberg,( No Jew) ,Ribbentrop, Hess.
But the Jews, around Stalin ,and their International connections, along with Hitler’s fear of the huge Soviet Arms buildup ,plus the meeting he had with Molotov in October of 1940 confirmed his fears
Konrad Adenauer cleverly gained leverage for W Germany by ” going East”.
Russia must face it….the power of Germany must be reached out to.
It must be pulled away from NATO/ Zionist Occupation.
” NATO was creared to keep Germany down,Russia out ,and the USA in”.
If Germany is made free, than the International Jews fall
on the Continent.
Their technology ,culture, discipline harnessed to the Nationalist East,and connected to the resources of Eurasia.
A Russo – German Alliance frees the world…a true ” Third Rome”.
See, Imperium Francis Parker Yockey.
But they will control Australia and the United States – with a little aircraft carrier off the coast of France.
People should watch with interest Eurasia, but do not lose site of the flanking manouver taking place in the Asia Pacific and Australia s the prize with the largest oil and gas reserves in the world. The largest reserves of every mineral known to man.
22 million people sitting on it and the vital ocean straights to the north.
Jewish Power can lose Eurasia but it cannot lose the Asia Pacific. This will be their new home. New Zion.
I’d like a few ANZAC volunteers to meet them at the airport and hurl them back into the airport lounge and back onto the boarding gantry
Oh Bob: the truth hurts, mate.
Australia is an unquestioning loyal slave of the empire. That’s the way our governments behave; and everything our governments do, they do in the name of every Australian person.
ANZAC “volunteers” have been active in Afghanistan and Iraq – defensively of course – and how we do mourn the relatively few Aussie deaths inflicted by those aggressive Muslims. Hey, those Aussie boys were defending Australia. They died defending Australia – that’s a noble cause, isn’t it?
It is indeed sad when ignorant young men are sent to kill or be killed for a pack of lies!