0 thoughts on “Why 1.3 million Iraqis killed in the US-UK war on Iraq are not worth mentioning”
  1. Your right thats the real figure even US statistics say the same and a few 1000 GI,s killed by a False Flag also should be added in the deaths of may GI,s by Cancer due to depleted uranium tipped “tank busters ” did the US tell the GI,s –NO ! and also the 1000s dying in the US due to the lethal injections against chemical warfare as usual tried out first on prison internees (for reduced sentences ) bone -kidney-liver-brain destruction – not counting the 1000s of ex Gi.s committing suicide due to the harsh instructions to “”mow down ” all those “ragheads ” and that includes civilians . Oh what a Glorious War this is ! the only thing missing was the grey horse and on him rode hell and death followed after . And all for what ?? –a False Flag -weapons of “mass destruction “” only in the minds of Bush and Blair 2 war criminals who make $100000 a time in speeches to the Jewish faithful. Ever watched that insincere smile of Blairs it say – money-money-money I have danced to the Zionist tune so I want payback.

  2. Even these are not the real figures, and the greatly minimized 100,000 death figure in Iraq produced in the world media, as well as the similarly ridiculously low 100,000 war dead figure in Libya cannot be given any serious consideration.

    Even 500,000 children died in Iraq due to sanctions, that having been publicly admitted by an American state official, so how many others?

    ‘When asked on US television if she [Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State] thought that the death of half a million Iraqi children [from sanctions in Iraq] was a price worth paying, Albright replied: “This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it.”

    — John Pilger, Squeezed to Death, Guardian, March 4, 2000’


    The UN official death total for Iraq was a massive 4.4 million including military and civilian casualties from all causes, including sanctions, and that figure is massively out of date now, with vast numbers now sterilized, or dead from cancer or suffering birth defects in Iraq, from DU dust, with that blowing over the border into Iran by the prevailing wind current system, having a similar effect there, that being a deliberate kind of undeclared nuclear warfare being currently effected against the innocent people of Iran.

    The Fallujah fertility rate dropped to one third of what it had been following the use of DU in Iraq, and of every 100 births, 75 exhibit genetic abnormality, or physical defects and disability, with 24% being born dead, and only one percent being born apparently normal at the time of birth.

    That is just extermination of the Amalekites in Biblical terms, leaving ‘no thing alive’, as in times to come, the genetic damage in Iraq will compound into a complete extermination event of the Iraqi people and all other species living there, except perhaps bacteria and cockroaches, or the tardigrades;


    ‘Curveball’ said he was glad he gave the false information that provided the excuse for the invasion of Iraq to go ahead, as ‘his’ people are now ‘free’. What a sickening statement that was by an American government agent working for Israeli interests.

  3. These numbers are rigged. Iraq is radioactive with DU for a few billion of years and cannot be cleaned up. So as people kick up soil/dust they will inhale DU and develop cancers of all types of including horrible birth defects. Where is the outrage?

  4. In 2013 alone, the Israeli-trained American DHS purchased 21.6 BILLION rounds of Israeli-style lethal hollow point ammunition, illegal under international war law convention in every country in the world except Israel, due to it’s extremely barbarous nature, FOR USE ON THE CIVILIAN CITIZENS OF THE USA ALONE. That is the reward the American sheeple are going to be given for sucking up to Israel, and fighting wars for Israel. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD WAKE UP, CHANGE SIDES, AND GET THE PIANO WIRE OUT.

    View Details for Buy # 451659

    If the American people refuse to fight Iran or Russia or Syria or whatever the Israelis want, then their puff 5th-columnist POTUS Israeli agent Bathhouse Barry will suspend the American Constitution and spring the genocidal US 1991 Noahide Laws on them all, and unleash a bloodbath that will make the 1917 Russian Red Revolution look like a tea party. If Battyman Barry won’t do either of those things for his Israeli masters, then he won’t get his crack candy and his rent boys any more, and he simply can’t handle that.

    The Fukushima radiation unleashed by the Israeli Stuxnet virus and artificially caused tsunami, destroying all marine life down the west coast of America, as well as the Gulf of Mexico disaster, were just a little roof-tapping by the Israelis. The Jews are whipping their bitch into shape.

    Whichever way the Americans go, unless they physically disempower the Jews, the Jews will kill all the Gentile Americans in one way or another in any case.

  5. Well that was an easy question mothman777, it is needed for US citizens as well. The jew bags have murdered millions of Arabs and Muslims, then the Christians need to meet the same fate but in a different manner.

  6. @ #9 by forgetfulknot

    Yes, if the Americans are not willing to bomb Iran, or whoever next is on the Israeli list of soon to be exterminated peoples, the 1991 US Noahide Laws will possibly be fully implemented, that will mobilize all US troops to round up all Christians and execute them all as ‘idolaters’ exactly as the Jewish terrorist ‘scriptures’ prescribe. All Christians are held to ‘idolaters’ in Jewish law, and under jewish law, all idolaters must be executed. The Americans have guns, yet vote Jews into power again and again without ever stipulating that any successful candidate must repeal these genocidal laws.

    What the Jews have accomplished in America demonstrates total mind control power over the Gentiles, turning Americans into people willing to die in wars to serve the people who intend to kill them all, and even kill each other on US soil in favour of their Jewish masters whose religion states “Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed”.

    That the Jews can do that in America should be a matter of grave concern, and an extremely urgent matter of national security.

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