The crisis over 43 massacred students shows how dysfunctional and corrupt Peña Nieto’s government is. And yet Obama keeps patting him on the back.
Some years ago I was in Mexico with the campesinos as they complained about the extreme corruption of local politicians.
I said, “The main problem with Mexico is the USA.”
They looked at me strangely. I could tell they didn’t agree. Their faces told me that nothing done by the USA could excuse the voluntary corruption of local politicians.
Nonetheless, I stand by my statement. Rich Americans get richer by dumping sewage on the masses. Rich Mexicans get richer by collecting that sewage, and dumping it on their own masses.
If the USA wanted to, it could stop this nightmare and clean up Mexico overnight, making it a decent place to live. But the USA doesn’t want to. Rich Americans and rich Mexicans are in bed together. Mexican President Vicente Fox was a regular visitor at the W. Bush household.
As bad as things are in the USA, they are much worse in Mexico. (And much worse still in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.) Mexicans are so sick of corruption and violence and poverty and unemployment that they can’t take it anymore. The federal government will start using the army to crush the protesters, but it won’t do any good.
Let me choose an image at random. Below is a place in Nayarit State called Playa Novillero. It’s a tropical beach about ten miles long, with thousands of coconut palms, and much greenery, plus numerous restaurants and hotels up and down the beach. Before the NAFTA “free trade” agreement went into effect on 1 Jan 1994, this place was always full of people. Today it is deserted. All the restaurants and hotels have closed down. No one has any money to go to the beach and have fun. If you lived on that beach, it would be like living on a desert island. And you would be starving.
It’s very depressing to see. There are only two days out of the year that Mexicans in Nayarit go the beach, and that is the Saturday and Sunday before Holy Week (“Semana Santa”) the week leading up to Easter. In Mexico it’s a national tradition to go to the beach on that one weekend alone. Other than that, the place is a ghost beach.
The point is that Mexico’s economy is dead, and getting deader. NAFTA and neo-liberalism killed it. It made rich people richer than ever, and everyone else poorer than ever.
Mexico gives us a glimpse to America’s future. The day is coming when Americans too will stand around like zombies, thinking to themselves, “This can’t continue. Something must change.” It will be nothing like the “Occupy” movement of 2011. It will involve all age groups, and it will not be temporary.
Taking the country into a world war will not fix it, unless the war creates millions of jobs, which is unlikely. Technology has changed. We won’t be mass-producing bombs and tanks and planes and ships. It’s all high-tech missile crap and nuke stuff. Very few jobs in that.
It’s coming. Prepare.
Brazil’s military police prepared me for our own police state pre-9/11. Post 9/11 police state takes over. These things do not happen overnight. They are carefully planned and then boom!
We all know in Mexico that Pena Nieto was placed by the US to finish the job of his predecessors which is to “privatizar” sell (Give away) the National resources and the production companies like the electric and oil companies to the private sector to the “gringos” Jews.
Now every one in Mexico know that the governments on both sides of the border are up to the neck in the drug trade, also the banks, the Pentagon, the CIA. And behind all this havoc are the Jews.