This will never happen. “war crimes trials”,are only conducted to justify Jewish Revenge,for victorious ZOG Allied Nations. Example;”Crimes against HUMANITY”,at the Nuremberg show trials (Germany was DECLARED WAR UPON September 3,1939,by British WORLD Empire-without a threat to them),only meant JEWS,as only they are ‘HUMANITY’. The laws were EX POST FACTO- (after The Fact),as Germany kept to the rules of war,Geneva ,and Hague Conventions. So, NEW LAWS had to be made up. (SEE: GORING:David Irving Action Report.Com/ THE LAST BATTLE David Irving. PROFILES IN COURAGE: John F Kennedy… Bush/Blair obeyed International Jewish Finance-their Political Parties reversed-Bush 2 ,Jew Right-Blair,Jew Left,from Churchill Jew Right/FDR:Jew Left during WW2. But Rothschilds give the orders.
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This will never happen. “war crimes trials”,are only conducted to justify Jewish Revenge,for victorious ZOG Allied Nations. Example;”Crimes against HUMANITY”,at the Nuremberg show trials (Germany was DECLARED WAR UPON September 3,1939,by British WORLD Empire-without a threat to them),only meant JEWS,as only they are ‘HUMANITY’. The laws were EX POST FACTO- (after The Fact),as Germany kept to the rules of war,Geneva ,and Hague Conventions. So, NEW LAWS had to be made up. (SEE: GORING:David Irving Action Report.Com/ THE LAST BATTLE David Irving. PROFILES IN COURAGE: John F Kennedy… Bush/Blair obeyed International Jewish Finance-their Political Parties reversed-Bush 2 ,Jew Right-Blair,Jew Left,from Churchill Jew Right/FDR:Jew Left during WW2. But Rothschilds give the orders.